Does Anyone Really Think Governments Are Going To Be Able To Regulate AI?

in LeoFinance7 months ago

The arrogance of governments really knows few bounds.

Over the past 2 years, we heard how the United States Congress was going to roll out cryptocurrency legislation. Since that did not happen, we were told that stablecoin regulation was coming.

That, too, seems like something they are unable to get together on.

Standing in the wings is artificial intelligence. While the members of governments around the world grapple with digital assets, there is a bigger bear that moves like a cheetah rearing its head.

Yet, somehow, through all this, we are told governments will regulate AI to ensure it is safe.


Our Governments Are Outdated

Some push back when I make this statement but that is okay; I put it out there again:

Our governments are completely outdated and will not survive this century.

What we are facing with artificial intelligence, in all its forms, is going to blow the doors off everything. Our laws are absurd in light of what is taking place. The idea of applying securities laws from the 1930s to cryptocurrency was bad enough. Now, they are going totry) and apply copyright laws, as an example, to what is taking place online.

It becomes almost laughable.

If you think the US Government, or any other one, is going to move faster than Meta, Google, Apple or Microsoft, we might have a bridge for sale. The reality is these entities are going full steam ahead with their AI initiatives.

What takes this to another level is the pace which people are adopting it. Let us conduct a little survey:

Did you use a chatbot in the last 24 hours?

The answer should be affirmative if it was Bard, Claude, ChatGPT, or any of the others. Naturally, many who are reading this have used it. That means we enhanced the software, feeding more data into the neural network.

Of course, the payoff for such activity is in the hands of the users. The technology is very impressive, far eclipsing what traditional search offered. We are not going to be remiss and will mention how these are being built into the search engines.

And governments are going to keep up?

The Rise of the Network-State

I am a big proponent that we have a new form of governance being constructed. Our forms of government will end up like the feudal system. There is no way most of them survive the next few decades.

Network-states will end up taking over. We can easily see how the digital world is expanding. More of life is being tied to this mechanism, the thing we call the Internet.

For this reason, we are going to require institutions that were designed for this realm. That means a new monetary system (blockchain and cryptocurrency) as well as new structures. This will apply to business, finance, and, yes, governments.

In short, we are seeing the unfolding before our eyes.

While the development of these system could be construed as rather slow, the eclipsing of government control by technologies such as AI is not. We are seeing this unfold in real time.

Entering 2024 means the United States will be entering election season. Like professional sports, it seems like this only gets longer. This means much of the year will be spend campaigning for re-election. Even the business at hand will be used as a podium for seeking another round in office.

That means not a lot of substance is going to get done.

All the while, technology is forging ahead. Give some of what is discussed here another 18-18 months and we will be light years ahead of where we are now.

It is only going to keep accelerating.

How long until the majority of the people realize that governments will have no solution to this?

In the meantime, we will hear stories about how they are going to regulate AI and help all of us. The clock is ticking.

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Short answer: No

Clear and concise with your answer.

Haha! I have had that exact same sentiment that you expressed in the post ever since I first saw them making noises about regulating it.

Most likely any 'regulation' would be an excuse to seize assets (or levy fines) much like what has been done with crypto.

Ye of little faith in our gov't officials.

They are there to help after all.

I have more faith than I probably should... but watching how they have 'dealt' with sophisticated technologies has not been very inspiring.

I don't think it even matters how well equipped our governments are. The cat is out of the bag on this one. It's being developed on too many scales in too many places.

it is pretty wild to watch these things as they are unfolding. History is created every day that’s for sure but monumental times seem to happen often in our lifetimes over the last 30 years or so.

Gensler is running away from Crypto as fast and as far as anyhow possible. I think there have been things happening surrounding FTX that absolutely shocked the living hell out of him. That's why nothing at all was done after its total implosion.

It looks impossible to say if government will really be able to regulate AI. But your reasoning is worth respecting.

I think government will regulate AI the question is how good is it going to be. I’m guess not very with how slow and out dated governments are. Just look at crypto we have been around for a long time now and they still have no idea how to regulate the industry.

No, they won't be able to regulate AI. I hope they don't try. Judging from what they've already messed up it wouldn't work out well. I like the sound of them disappearing out of existence

The 2024 election cycle is going to be brutal. I am not looking forward to it at all. It all feels especially bad now, because I've never seen the Democratic Party so fractured over a single, complicated issue -- the Hamas-Israel War. There is no simple answer, but it seems that people would rather resort to finger pointing and violent rallies than peaceful negotiations and logical discourse. If the Dems can't stay united, then there will be blood in the streets in 2024. Yikes!