
Probably one day the above mentioned companies will also fail, but probably not in the near future. Of course I do not see the future, so this could also be in the near future. Anything can happen to any company any day. Even to the biggest companies. There is no such thing as too big to fail. Just the failure of these companies in the near future is highly unlikely, but not excluded.

Ashton-Tate in the world of databases. Borland in the world of computer language tools. Lotus 1-2-3 for spreadsheets. WordStar and WordPerfect for word processing. AIM and Y!M for instant messengers.

IBM has been around for decades, but it had to adapt as technology moved from punch cards to magnetic tape to optical media. Likewise for Microsoft.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah the computer/internet world have even a longer list.

Compuserv and Prodigy belong on the list.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

While I agree with this point, it's not what we mean... Some people I know don't even know "internet." They only know Facebook, and only because they "need" to use it. (Many people in my country provide their services through Facebook.)

For Hive to replace that, they will have to need to use Hive. But that will be hard because Hive isn't easy to use for non-tech people.

Two points here:

  • you are correct about the ease of use. That has to improve, it is too complicated.

  • Hive also needs to be that. Most do not care about the database or back end. They simply will be able to microblog (Tweet) from the different platforms they are on. The fact they are on Hive is not going to matter to them. Instead they will only know they are on Leofinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope it succeeds... Especially if Hive became less complicated to use, but I don't see a way right now.

I agree about the Leofinance bit, they don't need to know they're on Hive.