🔥🔥 Interviewing The StickUpBoys 🔥🔥

in LeoFinance2 months ago


It's been a while since I wanted to start an interview series here on hive to spice my blog a bit. And recently I bought a significant SUB bag, a new hive engine token with a really interesting spin, released by some peeps you probably heard off before..Stickupboys, probably best known for their silly gifs which are quite popular, even outside our small ecosystem!


So, I figured they would be great for breaking my interview virginity!

Ok, enough with the bs intro talk! Let's cut to the chase!

Let's start with the basics. How many are the stickupboys? Do you do anything in your life other than silly gifs? Is it true you are bams relying on social benefits to make ends meet?

We get asked this a lot.....essentially there are 3 core SUBs but around 10 of us all together. Our 3 main accounts on hive are @stickupboys, @stickupmusic and @stickupcurator. As we have been studio bassed people come and go regularily who play and sing on SUB stuff. Between us all we do lots of things to producing music, art, teach, theatre....and so on.... we do ok and none of us sake social benefits!

Tell us a bit about sub. Why should the average hive user sell their organs to go hard into it?

Our SUB token was an idea we wanted to try out and bring to Hive. Giving people a chance to invest in music and be part of something creative. SO we are offering 50% of our mechanical royalties for 50k Tokens for 3 years essentially....so you can earn some royalties and also through your action increase the royalties if you play, use and share the song. The best thing about Hive is we are not spending your money we are using the income to fund some small promotions that will increase dividends for everyone then in 3 years will buy it back so it is a no risk investment just a long hold. Not only that we are offering lots of benefits to holders and exclusive access to time with some of us. So basically it is a win win for everyone and you should definitely get some and be part of something cool...I mean we have a 3 year plan and you will own some royalties of a lot of songs, mixes and remixes....we will be sharing more about it soon! We have sold about 11k tokens so far without saying much, so get in quick!

How did you come to discover hive? Considering hive has a huge retention problem, why did you stay for so long here? Is it for the tech? The women?

We got to hive via @nickyharvey who is a producer and dj and was part of the EMA the electronic music alliance. He got us on and then buggered off traveling..... Now in terms of Hive users we definitely see hope and retnetion is key for sure! We came here for the oportunities it gives us as well as for the censorship resistence it has. We have been banned from twitter and Facebook before! We also want freedom of speech while monatising our content, it is a win win. We also like supporting music and artists and always have so it is great we have a curator that can do this with not only a like but a few pennies with it, that is a joyous feeling! Oh and the women, we are definitely here for all the ladies.....

Purely from a ranking perspective, it feels like HIVE is on a slow death spiral. Do you see any hope at the end of the tunnel? Lol who am I kidding. Death is certain unless we get a big win, sooner or later. Is SUB gonna be our Lord and Savior?

Hive's greatest strength is also its weakness. It is decetralised which is great but there is no co-roindated centralised plan. We have done a lot of work behind the scenes for lots of projects trying to pull people together. Hive is an incredible place and things are improving and we hope see it grow over the next few years as it has so much to offer. Part of what we are doing with the SUB token is making some videos around why Hive is a great place for musicians and content creators like us. We are already talking to some projects on other chains. We think that Hive should be being used by all people already into crypto as a way to meet and be social!

Are there any other projects or hive users you'd like to shill and if yes, why?

You know how much we support @raymondspeaks and the Bro and Legion tokens. He is one of the few people who has shown honesty and integrity in this crytp space. We also love Rising Star again because it is open and has integrity but is also a very cool musical game! We also have a lot of time for @Theycallmedan and @starkerz at @threespeak as working with them they really educated us and helped us understand lots of things about this space and their passion is infectious. While we are here big up the PIMPS as again it is a project we can trust and @enginewitty is one cool cat.

Which one of the boys are you?

I am front, the bossy mouthy one basically. I do all the front of house stuff while the other boys work harder in the background while I take all the glory..... now check out our website www.stickupboys.co.uk and play some of our music and follow us and all that shiz....if you don't all the boys will come round your house and make a cup of tea and eat your biscuits. Remember if you need help then call a policeman.

Ok, this concludes our today's interview! The Stickupboys have promised to...stick around so feel free to ask any other question you like in the comments below 👇👇👇

And don't forget to..



Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Pretty cool to know a bit more, and actually a pretty cool concept to bridge "out there" to "in here."

Hit on something important in there which I also fear to be true: Much of Hive's woes are not due to Hive having issues, but to the fact that the Achilles Heel of decentralization is that it tends to create "rudderless ships."

Anyway, thanks for this... I might sell a kidney put a little into this.


might sell a kidney put a little into this

I gave my testicle, the big one!

Good questions. They are a solid crew for sure.

You must be killin' it out here!
@silverd510 just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @trumpman.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

why did you stay for so long here? Is it for the tech? The women?

I am glad the women were confirmed 😃

This place is drowning in pussy 😂😂

Doing interviews is a great idea for a post and @stickupboys ...
Who would not like to know about the humans behind the masks

If you could only sleep with one person for the rest of your life, would it be @trumpman or @raymondspeaks?

Nice interview. They make some good points about Hive. Being centralized is both a blessing and curse but at least they won't be banned like on Facebook or Twitter.

I have been enlightened by this write-up, I now come to know that there are only 3 stickupboys hive accounts.
Well I still need to discover why that name stickupboys where used by them.


Really, never knew that, I think I will need to reconsider my thoughts regarding that and add the fact that everyone is a stickupboy.

Thanks for that reconsideration by you @stickupboys

Big up ma !PIMP


You must be killin' it out here!
@trumpman just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @stickupboys.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/3 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

You must be killin' it out here!
@stickupboys just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @trumpman.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/2 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Nice interview en good to read just a bit more about the SUB token. Eagerly awaiting the rest of what the 3-years plan around. So now, get back to work!

The three year rug

Yeah, the new thing in our cryptoverse, is slow rugs. I was even thinking that we could create a token solely created to slowly rug everyone. Call it "Fools Gold Token (FGT) Not making any promise whatsoever, just a slow way to get rid of your money. Since so many people in crypto seem to like that

It's true, he's the bossy one! But he also gets shit done, so I think he's allowed :)

I have no doubt that this is a win for holders and SUB either way, well thought out plan @stickupboys!

Hope to get my hand on as many tokens as possible before they sell out ..


You must be killin' it out here!
@thisismylife just slapped you with 5.000 PIMP, @trumpman.
You earned 5.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 2/4 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Pump it!


I don't think that works !LOL

Why are bass guitarists always safe?
Because they stay out of treble.

Credit: reddit
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The Stickupboys! "GASP!"

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That's really cool, I had never heard of stickupboys before.

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