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RE: The ATF vs. The First Amendment

Not sure what that has to do with my original comment, though I did think of one other thing just now: free speech is officially dead in the US, and has been for some time. You and I may not be feeling the full effects yet, but Ervin, Hoover, Julian Assange, Jeff German, James Gordon Meek, and Matt Taibbi sure are (one of those men is dead, BTW). Maybe add Tucker Carlson to that list, since AOC wants to prosecute persecute him for... not sure what, exactly. I can't believe people simp for her... but hey, most of her simps are just as horrible as she is (no, seriously, Bill Astore simps for her, and he also uses sock puppets to attack his detractors), and I guess monsters need love too.

Sigh I need another drink... out of vodka, pinot grigio is too weak... maybe I'll finally finish off that bottle of moutai (boy is that stuff toxic) that has been sitting in my cabinet for who-knows-how-long.


Looks like I somehow deleted the second part. The fact remains that as noted by Larken Rose in "The Tiny Dot," they are still vastly outnumbered, and they can't get us all, at least not all at once.

they are still vastly outnumbered

True, but that's not enough.

they can't get us all

Again, true, but they don't need to in order to demoralise the population. Bear in mind that the "useful idiots" are not only the blue-pilled, but also the black-pilled.

"I was a loyal Soviet citizen until the age of twenty. What that meant was: to say what you are supposed to say, to read what you are permitted to read, to vote the way you are told to vote, and at the same time, to know it is all a lie." - Natan Sharanskii

In other words, to simply know that the law is nonsense is not enough. Reject lawful society, embrace the black market, buy a milling machine, and get creative with your notes...

"Red-pilling" the mainstream, whether left or right, will never happen. We need to build an underground for the remnant who love liberty and loathe authoritarianism. I think HIVE can be a key part of that process.

"Red-pilling" the mainstream... will never happen.

No shit, to be truly red-pilled is to reject the mainstream. That's what my little cooperative farming community does. I supply eggs and metalworking services. One neighbour provides the tomatoes and cucumbers, another provides the heavy machinery (which I'm currently repairing). All of us hunt. I'm probably the only one with any time for HIVE, though, and you'll notice that I haven't posted anything in two months.