The best weekend : WEEK 205

If I were asked to describe the best weekend of all time, I would describe last weekend in a heartbeat. Perhaps, in the depths of my memory there are several better than this one, but this one was very special and I will treasure it.

Sometimes, routine traps you in such a way that you feel like you are programmed, just like a robot, making you gradually lose even your motivation, because there comes a point when nothing surprises you and you stop enjoying it. Until you give yourself the opportunity to break the chains of monotony and decide to dedicate a weekend to do what you like to do most in life, in my case to connect with nature and create beautiful memories with my family.

I loved the weekend before this one, simply because I was able to get away from my responsibilities and allowed myself to rest and spend quality time, with some of my favorite people. Plus, I had time to myself, to self-evaluate, redefine myself and plan everything I want to do and achieve in the rest of the year.

I threw away those New Year's resolutions because I realized that they were unrealistic and that none of them would make me happy after all. I set my goals based on what was really important: my peace and well-being.

One of the things I loved about this weekend was that everything went well, even when everything seemed to be a disaster, starting on Saturday, when after 6 hours of work and less than an hour to deliver my homework, there was a power outage, something normal in a country that suffers from energy rationing and I thought I would lose everything. I took a breath and went for a walk with my son, to clear my mind, there was nothing left to do. Suddenly I remembered a photocopier, which is nearby, and went for help. Wow they had electricity, internet and a computer, everything I needed. I put my shyness aside and asked them to rent it to me for a few minutes and they did. I sent in my work, almost on deadline, but I made it.

Then I went shopping for everything I needed for my weekend family trip. I traveled with my brother, his wife, my niece, my son and my husband. I wanted to make some shawarmas in my own style, of course, so I bought Arabic bread, meat and other things. We went to bed early, because on Sunday, we had to get up early and I still couldn't believe that I managed to send my work.

Early Sunday morning, after preparing breakfast, I went to get the Arabic bread, to prepare the meal I would bring to share and realized that it was old and dry. Never buy bread, at night and without electricity! I didn't know what to do my shawarma plan was over and I didn't have time to go for another package.

Then I tried to cut the pieces that were good and made a kind of sandwich.
I felt sorry for taking that food, to share, but I couldn't do anything else, so I did my best to make the filling delicious. During the trip, I was thinking about lunch, I was worried that they would not like it.My sister-in-law prepared some delicious Andean arepas, but when they tasted what I brought them, they loved it and I couldn't be happier.

I don't have pictures of anything I've described so far, but the ones I'm sharing with you are some from the trip.I spent the whole day on a bus with great people, admiring the beautiful landscapes that Merida gives us.

I arrived at the highest road axis of Venezuela, at an altitude of 4118 meters above sea level and there was a moment when the lack of oxygen began to affect me.The cold was intense, I rested a few minutes, and my body adapted, then I could continue enjoying the fog, my family and this beautiful land.

We arrived home, tired but happy, and since that day, I feel much better, with more spirit, more cheerful.It was like an energy recharge, I simply needed to get out of the routine and enjoy the goodness of life.

And you, do you have a favorite weekend?

Until next time, a million blessings to your families.

Translation: DeepL.
Editing: Canva(Free Resources and Templates)

Navy and Pink Floral Wedding Brunch Facebook Cover.jpg


A family trip, what a great way to relax and spend your weekend, surrounded by those you love 💕