
I will not lie this is so long i read it in parts. You really wrote an essay if not thesis.
But you brought up some valid points about the current job market and the challenges many people face in finding stable employment. I am unemployed currently due to health issues. It is... hurtful. 😞
It's also encouraging to see someone like you who is taking an active approach to this issue by not only seeking out new opportunities but also sharing your journey with others, willingness to explore different paths and find fulfillment outside of traditional work and job structures is... both scary and exciting to be honest.😁

Thank you for opening my mind.🤗🙏

Am glad you took the time to read the entire post. I know, a long read. I suspect plenty of peeps are just not taking the time to read at all, assuming plenty of peeps are opening this post in the first place (I may be very wrong regarding that assumption 😂).
Am sorry to read you are currently unemployed, though for health reasons. I can just say: Try to make the most out of it. We may focus our time on plenty of things, even when we are forced to not participate actively in the job market. I suppose you are already doing this, by spending time with HIVE (GREAT!) and posts like I wrote (not sure if that is quality time spend well 😂).
Wow, really? Did I open parts of your mind? Thanks for saying this 😍🙇
NJOY the remainder of this weekend 😉

ofc i read how would i make a comment othervise :D
yes you have! i've just started a youtube channel so i can focus my time on something. we shall see how it will turn out. I wish the best to you as well!

It was my way of making you a compliment 😉 2500 words isn't a usual post peeps read entirely 😉

How nice you started a YT channel! That can indeed cause a tremendous amount of focus. What topic do you concentrate on? Or more general, all topics. When you are ready, please share the link. But don't feel obliged 😉

here is the link. first of all thank you so much for the support. 🤗🤗 even it is in Turkish Im planning to make some videos in English in the future or at least include some subtitles.
What do you think about subtitled videos🤔🤔

Sorry for such a late response. For me subtitles are good. Am from a country were we have subtitles in eg television. No dubbing and all, original language + subtitles. But many cultures and countries are not used to that. I can imagine English spoken vids will appeal to a larger audience.

A number of fascinating, well-considered points in your blog. I will reference only two.

  • People think things will always be the same.
    This lack of imagination seems to be endemic. It explains perhaps why people persist in living in zones that are below sea level, because those places have not yet flooded. It explains perhaps why people don't save for the future, as though the future will never materialize. It explains why people are caught unawares when war is impending. Many people simply can't imagine life other than as it is.

  • We will have leisure time when AI (or some other innovation) frees us from labor.
    I'm a lot older than you. When I was a child we were told that household appliances would free us from menial chores. We were told that automation would free us from repetitive low-skill labor. What happened? People work more now, more hours and harder than they ever did. Blame it on the economic system? I don't know, but when there is an increase in productivity the rewards never are realized by the worker. It is always the owner, the manager, the boss who reaps the rewards.

I've no doubt we will adjust to a world with AI. Who will benefit? Who will lose? It is a pretty sure bet that those in power and those with resources will find a way to profit from this change. The rest of us will scramble. This is a future you and my children will have to deal with. I can just wonder but will probably not be around to learn the answer.

Great response to some of the points I brought forward. Agree with your first one. The second one, I'm afraid I have to disagree. For the simple fact that what has been told in the past about automation and the results regarding jobs and the reality, is something AI will alter. In a few decades from now perhaps. The power of AI is the final step towards full automation in which humans aren't needed anymore for maintaining the system, making human-like decisions and all that. Sure, one can say: That has also been said in the past. But what peeps forget, our past automation was about programmed systems. With AI we enter the era of systems not having to be programmed for a specific task anymore. We are just at the start, or not even started, the general AI era. When general AI is born and scaled (both are kinda around the corner), we'll see what happens 😉 I somehow do hope I am wrong regarding the jobs and all, but I'm afraid this isn't the case.

Wow man you dived super deep into this topic. Agree with you on pretty much everything and hard to add anything on to what you said hehe. Maybe a point I could add is that there is a surge of people that want to work in social media (youtube, Instagram promoter etc), streaming, Onlyfans, etc as a job now which in the past wasn't as popular. These jobs aren't easy to do though as you need content or a good personality well for Onlyfans not sure if it's hard but I won't comment on that :x. Not everyone can be successful but if you are well you are pretty much set for life as long as you can maintain and even better grow your audience. This is probably the illusion of our generation to get rich quick by doing these kinds of jobs! Anyways, I'm hoping to see flying cars in our lifetime or even better teleportation!

Owww flying cars for sure we'll see in the coming decade, or two.

Indeed, many of the youngers want to go into social media (influencer), gaming (tons of money for grabs), or even trading. That said, just a handful will be able to make a living out of it. It is the typical pyramid game, where everybody starts at the bottom and only a few rise to the (sub)top from which one can have a decent living. Ok, am a bit generalising. I mean peeps in the Western world need tons of income. When in societies with much lower costs, like some of the communities we have on HIVE, even HIVE can provide for a living. For me, I need to be in trending channels much of the time to be able to afford the basic costs in my country 😉 But am much ok with that 😉

only good if you on the top of that pyramid but I don't think I'm suitable for that xD. I'm ok with a being a nobody at the bottom and getting by. Ya for sure some can make their living from here cause of their low cost of living. I probably could too if I start doing well on Hive but I'm not there yet. Still can do better~. What trending channels are you in

Trending channels: I never look at them. Get depressed when I do. Such a bunch of shitty content upvoted to the highest levels. Lazy authors receiving tons of rewards. I live in my own little bubble on HIVE. I am doing the things I like, and engaging with those that are interesting in one way or another. No Trending channel can top that 😉

Oh that's what you mean. I have no comment on that :P. I'm probably one of them :') or am I. It's all good I think I'm more or less the same hehe

Sometimes, I handle conference calls with customers, in Adam's costume


You can always put Ernie in front of the camera if you accidentally switch it on.

{Why do you still have those two dried apples?}

Am so curious to see what lies in front of us. I love to receive the possibility to extend my Earthly existence to at least an extra 100 years.

Well, cutting back the infinite life now to just an extra 100 years ;)

I do hope you can see those changes you are curious about, but we never know, maybe many things happen before we think 😉

{Should I cut back the coffee intake? You posting again 👏}

{Why do you still have those two dried apples?}

Part of a test. To see the decaying process. Recently I made a picture of the two of them and shared it on my Insta account 😂

cutting back the infinite life now to just an extra 100 years

Couldn't make this post too complicated. Again more than 2k words in a community where peeps tend to go by the guidelines of just 300 words. Need to adapt a little 😂

many things happen before we think

Almost everything that happens, happens before I think since I rarely think 😂😂😂

Should I cut back the coffee intake?

My posting has nothing to do with your Coffee. Even when we said things about a possible connection between the two 😉 You see, I just gave you a free card to drink as much coffee as you want 😉

Almost everything that happens, happens before I think since I rarely think 😂😂😂

Then this trend has to continue 😂

Muchas gracias, for the free card thing hahaha. Just listen to the news, if you hear that the consumption of the aforementioned liquid radically increased in Spain, you will know why it happened 🤣


AI is something that I believe if not utilized correctly and with due diligence will have consequences. For example, students utilizing for research purposes only maybe, but not for a sole source or for writing a complete paper. However, I do believe AI has the potential to do many good things as well, like its potential use in the medical field.

Thank you for sharing your view.

In the short run, you addressed some of the topics we shall address in some way. In the longer run, I doubt that AI can or will be contained to just such topics. ChatGPT and Bing Chat are just showing a tiny bit of what AI will be capable of.

You took the prompts and just dived in. I guess taking all six prompts really is an option.

Perhaps indeed, not sure. When I didn't do a super tiny TDLR on some of them, I would've ended up with 10k+ word post nobody will ever read 😂

 last year  Reveal Comment
