Weekend-Engagement: WEEK 141 writing topics

in Weekend Experienceslast year (edited)

The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they, while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.

- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow -

Friday (17).jpg

I'm home on Friday evening after a full-on working week and I'm looking forward to what this weekend holds. I hope you've got something great planned for it and when it arrives in your timezone you embrace it fully and live it the best you can.

As usual, I'm here with some writing suggestions if you're looking for something to post about over the weekend. I'll wrap up the weekend on Monday with my favourites post so please follow the guidelines below to be eligible. Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES Community and follow the guidelines to be eligible for curation and the favourites post.

The inflexible guidelines

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☑️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag so I can find your entry
☑️ Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posting)
☑️ Use photos you took where possible (it shows character and personality)
☑️ Follow all the community rules - Post in ENGLISH only (not multi-language)
☑️ Entries close at 06:30 UTC Monday 20 February (Link to UTC converter)

The (hopefully) interesting prompts

Don't write lengthy summaries of my questions just to use up the word count - just write your post in answer to the question you choose - and use the word count as part of your answer.

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Name three things, (items or services) that have become redundant in modern society but you miss having around or would have liked to experience for yourself when they were popular. Tell us what you miss about them, or what you would have liked about them and why, in a post of 300+ words.

Name change

Are you unhappy with your Hive username? If so, explain why, what made you initially choose it and what you would change it to if you were able make a change. Write a post of at least 300 words and use images you took yourself is possible.

For the men

If there was one personality trait you were able to change in women what would it be and why? This can be women generally, or specifically your own partner. A post of 300+ words is the minimum requirement and use photos you took yourself if you can.

For the ladies

If you could magically make the man in your life do something, (one thing), consistently and very well, what would it be and why? This has to be about your specific partner, don't answer about men generically. A post of 300+ words is the minimum requirement and use photos you took yourself if you can.


Write about one single thing in your childhood (to the age of fifteen) that you enjoyed and value to this day. What was it and why do you remember it so fondly? This is about your childhood, not someone else's. A post of 300+ words is the minimum requirement and use photos you took yourself if you can.

Historical person

If it was possible to meet one single person from history (someone who lived over 100 years ago) who would it be, why do you choose that person and how would you explain today's society to them? Write a post of at least 300 words and use images you took yourself is possible.

If you haven't read and complied with the guidelines I suggest you do.

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Curation may happen on posts that comply with the guidelines but only on quality original content. This is a chance to showcase yourself to the community and to find and build new relationships. It's about engagement with others as much as it's about posting content.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

The image in this post is my own and is not for your use

There are 2 pages

Some great topics and will look forward to reading these. I tried to do set topics for the sporting community last year and it was a serious struggle as it was the same names each week and never caught on.

Thanks mate, I appreciate the comment. It's been one hundred and forty one weeks now and I keep managing to come up with stuff...I think I can go on forever. I don't know why people show up each week but they do. Over the entire concept people have come and gone and that's ok, I don't mind. It's there each week and I get somewhere around 60-80 entries, mote than enough for me to read. I'm glad people get involved and if it means they don't have to think too hard about something to write about and they put some good content on the chain, then happy days.

Have a good weekend.



Tuck, Duck and Run.!!!


"Write about one single thing in your childhood" (to the age of fifteen)

Gonna stretch the boundaries a bit here. As it is something I still enjoy. Much like your LEGO addiction.

Age is no limit. But I will write about it as a true story. I never lost interest in it. But lost touch with it in my late teens thru the drunken womanizing years of my 20's.

I am sure you can guess what it is from the 1st Giphy..?

Gentleman... Start Your (wall mount transformers) lol

Slot Car Track.JPG

That is sooo cool

Awww... Thanks.

We should all have more time for our hobbies.👍👀👍

I'm looking forward to it. I loved my Scalextric set...built up with all second hand stuff to massive proportions. Bring it trucker man.

Hi @galenkp 😃

I like the phrase at the beginning that you use this week. Was it taken from your notebook?

I was just reading some of it last night. Self-efficacy is when we are willing to make sacrifices to achieve what we want, rather than comparing ourselves negatively to the success of others. Excellent 😊

Thanks for the suggestions this week. As always, and I know this is part of your goal, you make us think 🤗

I like the phrase at the beginning that you use this week. Was it taken from your notebook?

Indeed it was. I wrote this one in there on the 16th August 1998 at a time when great emotional and mental fortitude, effort, persistence and personal sacrifice was required.

Thanks for your comment.

I was able to find one again, so get your popcorn as some strange things are coming 😃.

Strange things inbound huh? Now I'm intrigued.

ok so now i have to go find yours LOLOLOL

Okay, I love to read from the men on this one.. seems cool @galenkp

I'm hoping for some good posts from the fella's on that particular topic.

Wao I like today's prompt and am waiting to read from y'all expecially the men.
Thanks for always bringing new topics and interesting one too.

You're welcome, have a nice weekend.

Always coming up with mind-blowing topics.
Can't wait to write and share mine.

I'll look out for it. Have a good weekend.

This weekend prompt is interesting 🤔, let's write

Have a great weekend.

surely ill have an entry on this one! thank you so much. Can I have 2 entries in different posts? or can I have 2 entries in one post.. or we can only have one entry on one post?

Thank you, @galenkp 😃☺️

Two in one post is ok. Two in separate posts is ok too, as long as they are not posted on the same day. I'll probably only vote one though...might be best to answer two topics in the same post.

Ohh thank you for this guide. 😊

All good, happy to clarify.

When I read the topic for this weekend, I was interested in answering about the name change.


Thanks mate. Have a good weekend.

I read the quote several times because I'm very intrigued by it. It means that success required dedication, willingness, and effort to achieve it. Thus, it cannot be attained suddenly. That was so good.
Anyway, the prompt topics this week are interesting. Hihi.

Yep, the quote talks about hard work, getting out of one's comfort zone, resilience, persistence and a never-quite attitude. Great quote huh?

I hope you have a great weekend.

Why do you downvote my fresh posts now?What is wrong with this post👇.

I have blogged here since 2018.Till date I have not been blacklisted.But now answer me why you are downvoting me.Why don't you want the good of some people?Your judgment is completely wrong.I have seen the uneducated women of our country doing such injustice.I will surely curse you for this.I see there are scammers/thieves here why don't you downvote them?You only downvote my fresh post.God will surely punish you for this injustice.Learn to judge impartially.Do you think you are the owner of hive platform.You think yourself too big and abuse your power.

There once was a duck who knew that trees came in many different varieties. The duck couldn't fly but still wanted to read books of wisdom without the complication of acne and the cold heat of the hot fire in the most lofty height of the depths of the inner workings of the mountain breeze wafting through the circus of the wheel of the hammer.

Men hope you are ready this week. Ladies am in again. This weekend topic is wow. I appreciate it so much @galenkp

You're welcome, have a great weekend.

Thank you

Interesting topic, childhood is a topic that I really like, but before I start it I want to ask a little, should I just tell you about something fun in my childhood or I am free to write anything

It must be something that directly relates to your own childhood.

OOkay, I'll give it a try

Ohoooo, an interesting topic again. I already picked the topic that I want ✨.

Excellent. I hope you have a good weekend too.

Excellent suggestions for the weekend. And here I find myself thinking between my childhood and a historical character. Both options call my attention, the only limiting factor is that I have no idea about the photos of the historical character, so I still can't make up my mind.

The photos are not that important and besides, only one is needed. Don't let it be the sticking point.

Thank you!!! Smile so much

Greetings friend, excellent topic for this week of writing

No worries, I hope you have a good weekend.

How did you know?
If I wanted to change my username in hive.


no aliens this weekend? I have a few things about my childhood that I really enjoy so can make a post about it, not everything was bad 😁, thx for sharing ✌️

Well...I'm an alien so there's at least one...But no alien topics.

Wow, wow! Interesting topics to try on!


Excellent topics Mr @galenkp , thank you! 👏👏👏👏💪👍🙏🤗

You're welcome, I hope you have a good weekend.

Same to you Mr. @galenkp . 🙏

Hi @galenkp, many ideas go through my head when I read your proposals, I'll go for the first suggestion:

Happy weekend!

A good choice, I was hoping some of you folks would choose that one.

It is fun and entertaining to participate in the dynamics of the community a big hello and I appreciate your creativity in exposing these proposals! Best Regards and Happy Weekend!.

Greetings to everyone in the community.

Here I bring you my participation for week 141:


G'day mate, good to have you on board again. Happy weekend.

There it is, I was waiting for yours! Have a good weekend.

Hello, here is my participation this week. thank you very much @galenkp


Good work, I appreciate your entry. Have a good weekend.

Again, some great topics here! Looking forward to reading some of the answers posted to these.

Interesting that you lead off with that quote from Longfellow. I have a book of his poetry that I'm rather fond of.

Have a great weekend!

I read a lot, many different things, and I pick up quotes along the way.

I also have a notebook, had it since the mid 1990's in which I write quotes that mean something, are relevant to the moment, or that I need to remember and refer back to and date them and add some accompanying notes or thoughts. It's tattered and dogeared now, but I read it all the time, and add to it sometimes.

16th August 1998 is when I wrote the quote in that book, it was a difficult, stressful time and one in which I had to display some attributes that are not always easy to find. I'd share the notes I wrote on the same page if they weren't so personal and they didn't divulge more about what I was doing that I want shared on the blockchain. Needless to say, the quote means something to me.

That's a great idea. I write down quotes I enjoy in a notebook, and I journal in a different notebook; I never thought of combining the two, but I like the sound of that.

It's a record of part of my life, thoughts and feelings (actions too). It's a time in my life I don't talk about with most people, just some of those that were there, and I don't share with many people at all. That's why I'll not share what's in my notebook...Hmm, maybe I'll do a "fictional" post on it though, which will pitch it as someone else. That's something I could possibly be ok with. We'll see.

Either way, it's good to write down quotes we come across and like, it makes them more real and we're more likely to remember them, apply them and gain benefit from them.

I think that's what a lot of novelists do: tell their own personal stories through a fictional framework, dressing it up so that no one except real friends to the author know how personal the stories actually are.

Anyway, it's great that you keep that. Journaling like that helps us in the moment and helps us remember the details later on. I do like the quote idea. I'll have to see if I can apply that to my own personal writing.

I've written many such fictions here, and enjoyed it.

I looked up that poem entirely. It's not in my Longfellow book so I had to search online. The Ladder of St. Augustine. That's a good poem and I enjoyed it. Thanks for the pointer to it!

Again I am among you to answer one of the questions selected by galenkp on this weekend. Blessings 🙏🏽🤗


@galenkpen? There's an imposter!

Sorry for my mistake, I already corrected it, although it is nice to receive your comment even if it is to correct me, thank you very much and don't worry, there is no impostor, you don't have any impostor 😅 Happy weekend 🤗

Lol, it's ok it doesn't bother me. Other people do it. I often correct them because if someone tags me hoping to get my attention and they spell it wrong they won't get my attention. You know?

I'm glad I caused the other effect😅 thank you🙏🏼

Wow, I've been thinking about what to write, and I guess I just found something that will keep me busy for the weekend. yay

Ok, well just follow the guidelines ok?

okay, no problem

I couldn't miss this weekend engagement so here's my entry



Hi everyone!
My entry for this week topic:

Our Childhood Birthday Parties [WEEK 141]

Thanks for the chance!
Stay safe, everyone!

Have a good weekend.

This is a great one. Though I once asked someone if I can change my hive username and the answer was no. Good to hear this. But I really love to talk about something great about my childhood for now. Thanks @galenkp for the opportunity.
This is my entry for the week.


No worries.

All the themes are very good.

Doing things while others are sleeping, something I am doing, but it is not enough. I have to do more and I know I will progressively add tasks to my routine that will help achieve my goals.

Happy weekend my friend @galenkp. If over there you have the tradition of carnival, I hope you are enjoying it 🥳🤗.

I hope you have a good weekend too.

hehehe ok - i just finished mine... of course I had to talk about my Hive username. cuz... well.... the obvious!!!!!!!! LOLOL

but I'm dying to find some written by men! LOLOL and I haven't seen any in the comment section yet!

I want to see if they are willing to share boldly!! hehehe but if they don't - I don't blame them! LOL wives be peakin at hive posts! hahaha

and @erikah got me all intrigued too - so i have to go find hers now LOL
here's my post!

Your name...sucks 🤣

There's been a few change women posts by the blokes. Good ones too.

hehehe i didn't see them dropped into your post - i'll have to scan the community! LOL

I'll not do the wrap up post for this week until Monday.

no need - i just found 2 hehehe

read one for changing men, one for changing women - and i think i have one more for changing women! LOLOL

and sorry - i didn't mean the wrap up post...

i meant how people leave their comments ON your announcement post! LOL

Oh, yeah not everyone does that. It's pointless really as I see the community anyway. Also I hate it when they go:

"My entry" and just drop a link.

It feels like they're thrusting something in my face.

I don't know wha they can't say, hey G-dog, I hope you're well and have a good weekend. Here's my entry link, thanks for taking up your time to present this concept every week.

I'd even vote that comment. But nah, rudeness abounds.

hehehe I always add it there because a lot of the communities do it - and when you're trying to cover all the bases, you dont' want to miss anything! hehe

but yes - i always try to drop a comment that connects with the person before dropping my link. if I'm thrusting something in their face, it probably won't be a post! lol

it would be a candy bar, of course. What did you think I meant?? LOLOLOLOL

Great topics you've got @galenkp.. i look forward to writing one of these

No worries, have a good weekend.



I mean, maybe I made a mistake there, because this is the first time I've been following this Weekend-engagement

Hello! I'm a newbie here. I've been exploring communities here on Hive when I came across your prompt. I love to join soon if that's alright. ☺️

Hi there, the #weekend-engagememt concept runs every Friday and goes through to the deadline as per the UTC time I said in this post. Follow the guidelines and you'll be good to go.

The actual community Weekend Experiences is for anything weekend related, my suggestion would be to read the posting guide pinned to the top of the community feed. You can post any day. Best to read the posting guide first though.

I missed a few weeks but I was able to made one this time, Thanks!

No worries.

Hello 🤗. I hope you are well. I must say that I was not expecting these prompts, although the one about a historical person did catch my attention. It gave me the opportunity to talk about a local character who transcended in the history of my country, and who was a great poet. And since I recently went to his house and had taken some pictures, it couldn't have been a better moment.


Hope you all like it.

Thanks for your involvement.

So, I was reading a post on Hive names and saw that it was related to #weekend-engagement. So I followed the link here as I thought Now, that is a cool topic

... Now I'm torn...Hive name or Childhood?... hmm... Let me surprise myself! !LOLZ

Some cool prompts in this post!

I went to the doctors to see him about my memory loss.
But I forgot to mention it to him.

Credit: reddit
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Torn? Life is a series of choices, I'm sure you'll make one in respect of the #weekend-engagement also, which remains to be seen. Good luck.

I did 🤗🙌

Ah yes, I see that now.

Actually, it was an easy one in the end 😊

Some choices are.

Greetings, everyone. Great topics this weekend.
Hope you are all doing well.


Tha ks mate. All good here, hope the new gig is coming along well.

It is. Thanks
On Friday, I had some issues with video call app, but after 10 mins I was able to teach. Some students also reported some issues, even a blackout.
It should get better as soon as I get the hang of the online tools and administrative duties.

I was wondering how it would go with your intermittent power and internet.

Woaooah, I have been away for sometimes now, but fully back now. My entry is loading few minutes from now

There are 2 pages