Look for the joyful moments that life gives us: Week 205

There are many things you think about doing, while we are alone, but when it happens, it doesn't provoke you to do anything, just lying down, watching a movie or series, or listening to music, Is it only me?

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It is incredible how we tend to think about things so much, before acting, we get overwhelmed, and we create a world in our heads, what if I do this... and it doesn't work, what if I do it and they look at me, what if it is not enough, and so we go on, without stopping, going round and round, until the day ends, night falls, and you did nothing.

There are things that I usually think, that I would like to do, if I lived alone, for example listen to music at full volume, stay all day in pajamas, lying down, just watching movies, series, something that entertains me, and so on, but I can only take advantage of some moments of the day, when I stay alone at home.

For me the days have become monotonous, I get up, have breakfast, go straight to the computer, spend the day there, have lunch and come back, have dinner and again, and so on; without leaving aside the chores, between cleaning, washing, washing up, nothing exciting, right.

Even so, I enjoy being at home, quiet, without the noise of the street, the people, going out with this inclement sun, I usually go out only what is necessary, and I think a lot before doing it, I practically force my body to get up, get dressed and go out; lately it has been like this, I have felt overwhelmed, tired, fatigued, thinking, why I always feel this way, I take vitamins, but nothing, apparently it is part of one of the symptoms of my hormonal problem, to always feel this way.

Anyway, to answer this weekend's questions, my Favorites, I like to be alone at home, listening to music at full volume, it relaxes me, calms me, makes me feel good, and who doesn't, right.


My favorite activity, I remember that before I used to go for a walk alone, then I started to go with my mom, I felt uncomfortable, I don't know why, however, I liked to do it too.

When I feel discouraged like that, I try to do something to distract me, I get on the computer, I start to create my designs, or something with crafts, but I always try to find something to keep me busy, away from my thoughts, another thing, is to be here, writing for you.


As I said, there are many things, that we usually think about doing, some we manage to do, others remain in the air, but the important thing is not to stop trying, even if we do not want to, we do not feel good, we must find a way to do it and continue, to maintain lucidity and calm.

I'll leave this up to here, I hope if you read me, if you feel identified, let me know in the comments.

Happy weekend...🤗



Imágenes / Pictures:👉Photos phone tecno Pop 7
Translation/Traducción:👉 DeepL Traductor
Edition/Edición :Cover and banner with Canva /Portada y banner con Canva



It is important to have something that we enjoy doing alone, walking is one of them and I also do meditation and writing. That makes us find ourselves and look inside ourselves. Hug @ikigaidesign 🤗

Your routine is very similar to mine, I enjoy being at home, but going out regenerates me. I would also like to have that freedom at home. At least once in a while.