Leonardo Cassano.

in The Ink Well29 days ago


Staring at the food scattered beautifully around the dining table, Stella held on her breath at the royal dish that laid before her eyes before releasing a deep breath to allow the aroma of fine dish into her nostril. She felt some sort of calmness wash over her body as the aroma drifted into her nostril. It was pleasurable to every nerve in her body and...

"Food is life." she murmured briefly with a smile, but her smile didn't last long when she was reminded of why she was here.

"You'll start from this angle and go round until you finish tasting every meal." The head maid said with a sly smile.

Stella knew the impact the presence of food has on her, but this... this is...phew! Closing her eyes briefly, she recalled her mission and the anger that lies within her actions. Biting her lower lip tightly, Stella began digging into each food to taste to keep Leonardo Cassano alive and kicking and far from being poisoned by his enemies…only if they knew.

After some painstakingly minute past in silence, Stella stood still for 5 minutes more for any reaction before she was pointed to stay at one corner. Immediately, she turned to stay at the corner pointed out to her, and she saw someone sitting on the dining table. It was a figure that wasn't there before. A man in his nearly fifties sat with a commanding aura as he ate the food she had tasted earlier, and then she knew...that was he. The Leonardo Cassano who...

If eyes could kill, Stella was sure Leonardo would have died a million ways just with her eyes movement. She felt utter disgust being in the same room with him and wanted to puke, but knowing her mission and what she had to go through to be sent here, she swallowed her spit with a smile.

"I am sure you are aware of Leonardo Cassano meal schedule like the lines in your palm. Do not be reminded of your duties. You can take a rest now since today is your first day." The head maid said swiftly before walking off.

Letting out a deeper sigh, Stella walked to her room, which was very close to the dining room, to look around. She knew she wouldn't be able to control herself the longer she stayed here and needed to find a way to fulfill her mission. Opening the window in the tiny room, Stella looked out the surroundings and also the building structure. She memorized each edge carefully like she was the architect herself.

After some long hours getting things memorized, Stella looked at the clock placed in the room. She has just a few minutes for dinner. Quickly running into the bathroom connected to the room, Stella showered and changed into another style of uniform to identify she is a food taster in Leonardo Cassano's home. She gently placed the old uniform on the bed as she went straight to the dining room where another order of food was laid.

Closing her eyes briefly, she prayed the food wasn't poisoned so she'd be able to fulfill her mission as she started tasting it all while people watched over her to be sure no food was left untouched. She repeated the minute standing before walking to her corner again, and when she turned to face the dining room again, there stood Leonardo Cassano on the dining table eating.

"The man does act like a ghost." she said quietly as she watched him eat. After some long unnecessary minutes of eating, Cassano stood up and left, leaving Stella to walk to her room as well. The moment she got back to her room, she sat down quietly on the bed edge as memories of how she got here hit her.

"Many have failed, but we won't give up until he is dead." Her master, Andrea Jones had said. He had taken her in after her parents died tragically in a house fire. Andrea is an American Mafia leader who has lots of ladies he trained in a secret organization, including her.


... and their mission was simple: kill the Italian mafia, Leonardo Cassano, because he caused a lot of people's deaths, including her parents. Leonardo Cassano is known to be a very vicious man who kills for fun by burning houses of people with happy families across the world, and Andrea is the one who brought them all together. "Leonardo Cassano must be killed, and thousands of parents be avenged." That was their motto.

However, no one has been able to kill him. Andrea had made sure everyone he sent works at Leonardo house but they all ended either dead or missing. That was how it has been for the past three years. Stella has been training as an assassin.

Hours passed by until the hands of midnight struck. Stella snuck out of her window and moved toward the edges of the building. As she moved across like a ninja, her eyes scanned through each window that seemed to be Leonardo's room until she found the one. Pushing her hand through the middle of her hair, she took out a pin that was used to unlock the window's hinges until she got in.

There he was, the old nasty man in his bed sleeping soundly while millions of children were rendered homeless. Tip toeing close to his bed, she held the sharp edge of the pin toward Leonardo's neck, but she couldn't strike it in like she had planned.

"Welcome, I have been waiting for your entry." Leonardo spoke with a little smile holding on Stella's hands.

"Let me guess, Andrea told you the same thing he did to others. I select happy families to ruin their lives because I am a psycho and I need to be stopped, right?" Leonardo added.

Pushing off Stella, Leonardo sat on his bed edge and chuckled loudly. "I didn't kill your parents or any other children's parents. I may be a mafia boss, but I respect the term family. Follow me." Leonardo said, standing up from his bed and leaving his room.

Walking through some doors, Leonardo pushed a big door open and as Stella walked in, she could see some familiar faces and a huge screen that showed...

"What are you doing? Are you planning on killing the children, too?" Stella questioned angrily.

"What you see on this screen is the last day of Andrea Jones on earth. He killed every child's parents, including yours. Andrea is my half-brother, and he wants to take over the family business. He knew he needed an assassin who had no home to go to, so he selected families to kill. I have been monitoring him for years and have saved a lot of people while keeping him alive because he is family. But not anymore." Leonardo said.

Now, there are people waiting for you. And just as Stella turned around, she saw...

"Mom? Dad?" Stella called out to her parents.

"I was able to save your parents from the fire, but Andrea got to you before we did. I am sorry that you had to live in lies for three years before knowing your parents are alive. I know that Andrea bribes the people at the dark auction to sell his assassin, and I make sure to buy them all. Being a food taster is just an act and nothing more. My men will finish up Andrea before dawn. You can be rest assured." Leonardo said before walking off, leaving Stella and her crying parents.

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Wow... This took a very dramatic twist the moment Leonardo started having that dialogue with Stella. It's really not a surprise that Stella believed the lies she was fed about Leonard. Being a Mafia or basically being a known figure in the dark world makes someone to be seen as a ruthless Killer.

It's good though that he didn't just kill Stella after finding out why she was sent to his house. It's even better to know that Stella's parents are alive and kicking. That's awesome.

I sure wasn't expecting a happy ending in this story. Hehe. You did a good job.

Yeah, that's right. The moment you metion the word, Mafia, the first thing that comes to people's minds is a killer.

Thankfully, things took a good turn, and Stella was alive to see her parents.

Thanks for stopping by amigo. Nikita🤣🤣🤣

Porque Enferno Mademoiselle? Haha.

Yes oooo. You managed to take us full circle with the story and I'm happy about how things turned out. That happy ending is a breath of fresh air.

Jajaja.... I am very well monsieur.

Thank ya ☺️

The twist!

Here I was, hoping she would complete her mission. Thank God the main bad guy here was later exposed.

Yeah, thank goodness the main person was exposed. Thanks for reading

You're welcome.

Stella is never wrong. Food is life and no one can argue it.
This story is more like a movie to me. I could imagine myself seeing the actions in the real world. Happy ending as the villain was finally exposed and the conflicts resolved.
Nice story, keep up the good work.

Thanks for reading. And surely, food is everything hehe.

A spy poses as a food taster to get close to the alleged murderer of thousands of people. She has been trained to do so but never imagined that the man she was supposed to kill was innocent and had saved many people and her own parents. Interesting espionage intrigue, @balikis95.

Yeah, most times, spy's are always kept in the dark of the real truth when they are sent on a Misson. Thanks for reading.

The girl almost made a mistake by killing the wrong person. Very intriguing plot and ending. A very entertaining story to read.

Thanks for sharing your story with us.

Good Tuesday.

Yeah, she almost killed the wrong person. Thanks for stopping by.

A tale of mafia intrigue that sees the protagonist on a mission to bring down the old nasty mafia boss, who turned out to be a good guy, after all. I like the mystery and the detail in crafting this story. The characters are memorable and well defined. I think the story of the half-brother, Andrea, needs a bit more resolution because we don't really know what ends up happening to him. I like how well you crafted the world and characters in this entertaining story.

Yes, stories related to mafia always get my toe curled up in a very nice way. Thanks for reading and inputing your thoughts on what you think of the characters. Thank you.

This story reminds me of so many of such scenes I have watched in Anerican movies
It's a turn of event to see that the real villain is her sender
I enjoyed this piece
Fellow dreemer

Yeah, it tired out Andrae was the real villain. Thanks for stopping by dreemer.

Wait! Can you please turn this into a movie alreadyyyyy? I want to watch it... this is so interesting that I felt like it shouldn't end. So Leonardo knew Stella was in the house on a mission to kill him but he acted as though he knew nothing, hmmmm! Fear all this mafias

But the twist enn, it didn't favour me😂 because me I was busy thinking Stella will complete her mission by killing Leonardo

Girl, you are good at this story writing 👏

Lol... yeah, you are right. Mafias can be very scary, and the fact that he knew and decided not to even day anything about it was scarier, lol.

Haha, sorry, mademoiselle... things had to take a huge turn, haha.

Thank you so much for your kind words.

This was an entertaining read, B! I thought she was going to poison him but she had other ideas. It's a good thing that Leonardo was so understanding. He must sleep with one eye open lol especially as he knowingly brings assassins into his home whose only goal is to kill him.

I read your story through Dreemport this evening.


Haha, it is funny how he knowingly brings them to his home. He sure is a crazy man with a beautiful heart. Thanks for stopping by dreemer.