Skate HIVE Digest Issue #2 with HSBI Sponsorship Contest

in SkateHive29 days ago (edited)

Ryosai Skate HIVE Digest Issue #2

With great tidings I am excited to share my seventh issue of the curators digest for your leisurely reading/viewing pleasure.

This curation strategy/post is dedicated to community building and supporting the amazing content creators here on hive!

I have dedicated this issue #2 to the @skatehive tribe and plan to do a weekly community curation post & Skatehive HSBI sponsorship contest here so I hope you will be inspired by the team lineup today & please be sure to check out the full post for the contest information.

Follow my hive maxi posting strategy

Let's hear it for the skatehive tribe!

I love to get stoked and watch the skaters show off their tricks and I know you all do too so please give our skaters your support with all the engagements.

If you are reading this and you are tagged in this post, please check out my new curation strategy using ecency.

The idea is that by providing extra exposure plus all the engagements to the content being curated the chances of success are greater for all parties combined with the extra layer rewards from ecency.

Thanks to you this account is now above 9.5% APR on curation reported by hivestats and shows steady growth using a combination of manual and automated voting.

I do hope that you will see the benefits and encourage you to engage with me here and Follow my Fanbase & curation trail if you would like to join in on this journey with me.

Please also consider following the curation trail for skatehive from the old steemskate community account as well.

Skatehive HSBI Sponsorship Contest

This week I am bringing back my HSBI Sponsorship Contest in a new and fun way to help build our community in skatehive.

If you aren't familiar with these contests, I have held a few in the past that have achieved some amazing results to provide a lifetime of rewards to this community.

What is HSBI?

Hive SBI is a third-party curation program that allows content creators like you to access a lifetime of voting rewards on their content.

For every token of HIVE Sponsored each account involved receives a share of HSBI 1:1 that provides a lifetime of curation support at the post payout threshold.

Check out the curation rewards that we have already established through these contests for the skatehive account on the weekly stoken posts.

With about $20 worth of HIVE in the HSBI pot for skatehive so far, we have achieved some pretty decent results, but all of this is really in preparation for the next bull run.

Nearly $.50 of HBD in extra passive rewards which go both ways for the Sponsor in their content and the Sponsee we still have a long way to go before we ROI on paper.

The real benefit of this program is the automation of post payout and early voting to establish vote trending.

We have also achieved a means of Sponsorship payout through where post payout is translated in QFS $HBD leaderboard rewards.

The current HSBI support is $.04 HBD per week for the games leaderboard from our efforts.

So what's new and how does it benefit the community?

I am building an active list of skaters who are posting regularly without HSBI but if you would like to be included in this list, please reach out to me.

This contest is meant to allow for an extra layer of rewards to encourage members to be active with content creation and community engagements through comments.

You can also nominate other members in the comments that you think deserve a shot at this community sponsorship contest and I will take that into consideration.

I am starting off this initiative by sponsoring @blessskateshop for 1 HSBI as a show of goodwill and support for the good work and future content.

This account will be the focus of this week's Skatehive HSBI Sponsorship Contest.

What can you win?

You can win 3 HSBI

Participants will have multiple avenues for gaining points with only one entry requirement to join.

My only requirement to join this contest is to reblog and comment your account name or the account you want to receive the HSBI!

Contest Entries will be tallied as such:


Reblog is valued at 1 contest entry and acts as a gateway to access the points system for those who want to increase their chances to win with multiple entries.

Additionally, I am adding a new way to accumulate points which directly supports both you and the playerbase(also you right?) for a win - win(W).

I happily invite you to join mine & the Fanbase on with a healthy and wealthy contribution.

All Fanbase members receive 5 contest points(following reblog for contest entry).

The Quest for Stoken ranked leaderboard has a HBD reward for top players with weekly posts reporting participants and rewards.

Play the game and rank on the leaderboard then you will have a chance to ROI for anyone considering HSBI sponsorships.

Those who choose to sponsor through HSBI have the highest chance to win this contest with the only limit being gratitude of your wallet.


I am also rewarding 10 bonus points to anyone who enters with a reblog and beats my hiscore in QFS every week!

The Leaderboard rewards are distributed based on % of score total; encouraging players to improve their score to increase their rewards.

Leaderboard ranking also rewards $GNAR token, an exclusive limited mint community token with upcoming utility for holders.

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the comments.



Keep up the good work G!

Thanks for this post ✊🏻⚡

Much love brother!



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Wowwww 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾
Tks for this @ryosai 🙏🏾❤️

Congratulations on your new HSBI 😎

25 HSBI Units is considered monthly post support whereas 50 is weekly and 100 is daily.

You can sponsor other accounts and each HIVE sponsored gives 1:1 HSBI.

One for you and one for me from the sponsorship mentioned on this post.

Be careful though because this is HIVE that you will not get back except through the rewards of your content.

Very tks mi Brother @ryosai 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾

good night my brother @ryosai how are you 🙌🏾🙌🏾
Thank you very much for that, I've been watching, and there in the part of the chosen posts in the Manny are Call few are chosen post, the author of the post is us and not skatebarber lol you can see ❤️👍🏽

Awesome Job !

Thanks haha hoping someone will beat my score in the bonus points entry for the contest. Will that be you? You can check my hiscore below

Count me in.
IGN: @vaynard86
!Gif thank you

I'm counting on you 👍
sexy stephen colbert GIF

vaynard86, ryosai sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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 28 days ago  


espero participar @daddydog