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RE: Why should you get more upvotes?

in Ask the Hivelast year

No, didn't hurt me, just annoying how some people like to blame the platform while they haven't done anything of value to grow alongside others. I may be an exception with delegation I've received from curation but there's many others who've started around the same time and grown just as much if not more over the years. They've found something they're good at, that brings value to the ecosystem and users in one way shape or form and the ecosystem has continually rewarded that. You must be one of the other guys.

If the concept of curation isn't clear to you by now then you're really not put in any effort to figure anything out. The issue I have is that you're blaming curation and the ecosystem as a whole rather than looking at your own activities and history and figuring out why it hasn't been working, which I wrote you a comment letting you know what may be the issue but not like I'm going to go out of my way to continue this conversation any longer.
