What do you hope for when you post?

in Ask the Hive4 years ago

Do you remember that song "I wish" by Skee-lo?

I wish I was a little bit taller, I wish I was a baller
I wish I had a girl who looked good, I would call her

I just got a comment that brings in what is probably one of the most attractive (and frustrating) as well as the point that affects retention the most on the platform, something I have written about before, hope.

Your earnings can go to almost 0 or they can bloat up. I guess that's the most attractive part of it.

It is attractive and retentive, isn't it?


"I hope I win the lottery"

Don't we all? ... even when we haven't entered.

But hope is a massive driver and it is something that can be used to affect our will and resilience, as when we have hope, we find the power to go on - and it is only the hopeless who give up. I am not just talking about Hive in this regard, just in general. I would predict that many survivors who endured long term misery did so because they had hope that they would make it out of the situation and be better off for it.

On Hive, we hope that Hive price hits the moon and the stars, but not before we have hoped that we were able to buy a mountain of it at a low price. Often, two people are going to have conflicting hopes, so when hopes are met - one is going to be disappointed.

But the "lottery effect" does influence much of our thinking here quite heavily, especially when it comes to getting gains, whether they are short-term hopes like a big vote on a post or long-term hopes like price pushing deep into the double digit dollar territory and making our bag worth something. We hope to benefit, we hope that we can overcome some of the problems we face, we hope that one day, Hive will be a place that supports us, that empowers us, that can provide for us what we hope for.

It might be votes, it might be comments, it might be shares - but in general, these things are all feedback mechanisms, recognition that what we have done has some kind of affect on our surroundings, that it wasn't for nothing.

When you click Publish, what do you hope for?

[ Gen1: Hive ]


You are fast :)

buy a mountain of it at a low price.

Low price is very relative as many of us have experienced it. Buy the dip, and that's how we end up with a big portfolio of shitcoins (myself included).

How would you put it nicely hope and expectations differ regarding Hive? You are good with words, would love to hear your take on that, even in a separate post if you consider topic worthy.

I should have added in a previous comment that i find a lot of value in Hive as education, entertaining sometimes even scientific from a behavioral standpoint and last but not least i enjoy gamification part of it.

I like seeing my HP grow, i like the neat UI feature that shows your position in comparison with other stakes and climbing that ladder little by little. I am curious at which point i will stop getting higher without buying any Hive since i realize that bigger accounts grow faster that smaller ones.

And finally while i can not deny i have hope for Hive to appreciate in value, i am careful with expectations this time. Been there too many times already and that does not feel good and i have learned that it's not the fact that makes you sad, but expectations you had. So i'd rather enjoy the trip this time and think less of a destination :)

Oh, and when i click publish i WISH my influence on the platform grows, no matter the financial value, for that i only HOPE. And that somebody actually reads my post and i get some meaningful interaction and engagement since financial compensation for my effort and time can not be justified yet. But i HOPE it will some day :)

How would you put it nicely hope and expectations differ regarding Hive?

I don't think i could, as I don't really have expectation - just hope in this. I do expect that we are in for a long road to get to where I hope to be :)

i find a lot of value in Hive as education, entertaining sometimes even scientific from a behavioral standpoint and last but not least i enjoy gamification part of it.

There are many value streams here that lay outside of the price, it is just that it is this that gets most atttention, as it is this that people often hope for the most.

i like the neat UI feature that shows your position in comparison with other stakes and climbing that ladder little by little.

I like this too. I wish there was a lot more of this kind of thing around the UIs.

Oh, and when i click publish i WISH my influence on the platform grows,

I have a post about wishing somewhere - I might post it on Showcase Sunday :)

Thanks for the prompt.

For an investment, I was told, when I was a kid; that "buy and hope" is a terrible strategy. However, jokes aside, I am skeptical if Hive is truly an investment. This is obviously for me specifically, for others it could be highly different. For me, Hive is a Venture Capital and social experiment. There is a investment component to it of course. But as you know, the success rate of a VC is about 1000:1. The reason, I say it is VC, because it is lot of the characters of VC. This is new, this doesn't have an earning or income statement. The finances of Hive can not be audited. It doesn't belong to any country, hell it doesn't even have a CEO :) So it can't be a security.

But it does have the promise to change the world though, and therefore I am here. It has great potential for passive earning. It has great potential of investment earning, and both have already been proven. Funny you typically can't do that in VC. But here you can.

If you keep that in mind, I see a lot of potential.

It works as VC in other ways too.

But as you know, the success rate of a VC is about 1000:1

The investment into HP means having a stake in everything that is developed on the chain, so all of those 1000 can be developed here, and perhaps one of them is the unicorn. However, 10 of them will do very well and 100 of them pretty well - no matter which of the 1000 it is, having stake covers it to at least some degree.

Then there are the options of using stake to invest directly into the ventures themselves, for example through delegation for percentage, which then multiplies the gains in a more direct way for the individual, rather than the blanket of "just owning HP"

Lots of potential.

I like this too. I wish there was a lot more of this kind of thing around the UIs.

They are fun indeed. Set's a goal of some sort :) Small detail but can bring a lot of value in the background. Like a butterfly effect. Le's say i want to be in top 1000, buy some Hive, trigger some bots, and suddenly increase a market cap by few mil :)

If I have to be honest, I think that what I really and primarily hope for when I click the post button, is just the possibility to learn something new I didn't know before.

Every time I click on that post button, I do this in hopes of making people think outside the box. With the intention of putting to creak and squeaking people's neurons in ways that have never happened to them before. And then and above all, hopefully get them to specifically challenge my point of view on what I've written to effectively have both the opportunity to learn something new.

Oh! and sometimes, also only to steal a spontaneous honest smile or a truly sincere loud laugh out there through my sporadic eccentric occurrences. Although these seem to be rather rare events. Since few are those who report being caught off guard with my humorous malevolent intentions. Or maybe they are simply ashamed to admit that they have been forced to show their teeth that are probably in shambles. };)

But obviously, due to my peculiar geographic location and sanctioned financial circumstances. I also click that rectangular button with the hope and expectations to fish a few significant upvotes from time to time which will help me out a bit to put a few loaves of bread on my table as everyone else. :)

Getting people to think is a tall order in a world of quick consumption based on the nutritional value of cardboard. I think that when it comes to the getting of upvotes, while many seem to not believe it, content does matter, as does the personality. It is a marketplace after all - something I should probably write about :D

Oh! no doubt it is a marketplace. Certainly one with a flood of pinheads unable to read beyond 140 characters. Much less with the capability or willingness to pay attention to content or personality.

something I should probably write about :D

Oh yes mate. Please do that and don't forget also giving to it some brushstrokes talking about automatisms and thangs like that too. :)

Rewards and engagement.

If you could pick only one, which would it be?

Rewards without a shadow of doubt, to be honest.

I can get engagement on countless other platforms. In fact, more and higher quality engagement than on Hive. But there is no comparison when it comes to monetization on Hive. Steem is is the closest thing offering anywhere near the same level of rewards.

On YouTube, it takes 4000 hours of your videos viewed and 1000 subscribers to be considered for monetization and it can be cut off at any minute by a tweak in an algorithm or any unpredictable change in how the platform operates. That's completely laughable. And I'm not the stuff YouTube stars are made of and by YT stars I mean those content creators who are so valuable that YT will roll out a red carpet for them. I have nothing to give of such high value as to be able to monetize any of my creative efforts on YouTube.

If Quora paid anything for answers or engagement, I might be able to earn something. Since I quit using Quora a couple of months ago, I've been getting messages from one community manager asking me to create Finnish language groups on my areas of interest. The messages were clearly not mass posts because she mentioned some of mine. Thanks, but no thanks. My time here buys me lottery tickets that have a pretty good possibility of being winners thanks to HIVE being a quasi-derivative of Bitcoin, which in turns seems to be sucking value from the broken financial system like a (so far) small black hole orbiting a dying giant star. I'm done being a volunteer worker for centralised corporate Web 2.0 applications.

I have to admit that engagement available on Quora is superior to what is available here. But that's a temporary problem caused by the small user base on Hive. Other than crypto (and photography) there are a lot of topics I can't find anyone to talk to about here.

I can get engagement on countless other platforms.

I wonder when this will change, when there will be a suitable amount here that compensates for changing over. I am guessing we need about 20 million more real accounts before it starts having its own gravity and growing just through being popular enough. I am very surprised there aren't more here now.

Other than crypto (and photography) there are a lot of topics I can't find anyone to talk to about here.

I think there are people who are willing to talk about a lot, but they get disillusioned posting about it and not getting engagement - even though many don't actually engage with others, as there isn't a lot of chance for gain in that. I am hoping with a few more people and some decent communities, this might change.

I wonder when this will change, when there will be a suitable amount here that compensates for changing over. I am guessing we need about 20 million more real accounts before it starts having its own gravity and growing just through being popular enough.

That figure sounds credible.

I am very surprised there aren't more here now.

So am I. Can an early adopter mentality really be this rare?

I think there are people who are willing to talk about a lot, but they get disillusioned posting about it and not getting engagement - even though many don't actually engage with others, as there isn't a lot of chance for gain in that. I am hoping with a few more people and some decent communities, this might change.

Communities are crucial. But until the user base grows significantly, I will have to treat Hive as a place to talk mainly about Hive and the wider cryptosphere. It's very different on the giant platforms. If you go to the right Facebook groups or Quora spaces, you'll have people jumping from left, right and center willing to talk about whatever you want to talk about at that time. But I'm more than willing to look past that on Hive. Now we have to get this thing to grow.

I believe content discovery mechanisms on Hive is the culprit for now. It takes far too long to find something interesting on a specific topic. And even then sorting by trending and reward value is not the most efficient way of sorting relevance :)

Exactly. This is why I have proposed a tax on curation rewards based on concentrating votes on too narrow a group of authors.


First of all I hope that people see my post and if so, that they read it. Hopefully they like the content and if they do that they comment on it and upvote it. And the cherry on top is always if a bigger account gives me an upvote.

As I do a lot of photography, I always hope people like it and tell me that they like it.

I hope that people see my post

Geez! How demanding! :D

The comments help a lot don't they? I have found that those who stick around the longest are those who comment and engage with the comments they receive.

Support comes in many forms

haha :) It´s not always given that my posts get seen, what also depends on the time I´m posting.

I´m happy about any sort of engagement, if it is upvotes or comments. I don't mind if someone comments on my post but don't upvote, as long as the comment does not read "beautiful photography" or something like this.

The comments help a lot don't they? I have found that those who stick around the longest are those who comment and engage with the comments they receive.

I agree on that point. Very important for me to answer every comment.

some only see the comments as engagement but the upvotes are also - much like a read receipt - with autos being "I read you once upon a time and might again" :D

Usually I hope yo receive positive feedback and may comments!!

what if you get many negative?

I’m always hoping for comments and engagement.

Sure the votes are nice, but I stuck around for the community.

As I said above, I think that the engagement is one of the largest retainers of people here, but like any conversation, it is a two way street. It annoys me when highly voted accounts fail to engage with the comments they get.

When I click publish I hope that I put out Content that people will say "hey lets see what he has for us today".I hope it is something at least a few look forward to.

I know I feel that way about you and a few others and it really makes things worthwhile here

That is very much appreciated. Thanks.

I have the same kind of outlook - I hope people have a quick read of my work and find value in it, even if only as part of their daily routine. I like the idea of giving people a little space in their busy world to focus on something that could add value to them, but also give them a break and entertain a little.

I hope it causes a reaction. Any reaction really. Even if it is some one laughing at the post or the idiocy of the post or questioning why did they post that, what were they trying to say. Why share a thought, an Idea, or an opinion, if you don't want a reaction,for me the reaction doesn't even really need to be known to me. Just the thought of pushing the publish button and believing that maybe I will be the cause of a reaction from someone is enough.

I hope it causes a reaction.

I have no way of knowing for sure, but many (most) of my upvotes are autovotes. So it’s always nice to get a response indicating that someone with a pulse actually read what I posted.

It’s kind of weird, but every time I click Publish, I’m already trying to figure out what the next post will be about. Unlike @tarazkp, I’m not a prolific writer, never have been.

Sure, I’d like some earnings here and there but, so far at least, not to spend it on anything. I just want to slowly build my stake for the long term. In a perfect world, I’d never power down, but instead get to the point where maybe even delegations alone could provide a decent income stream. $10+ Hive would make that a possibility. 😁

I know there are a lot of auto votes out there, but there are randomly spaced ones, I think they might be the people that look and or read. It will be interesting to see what happens if Hive continues to grow. With the social applications like peakd, esteem, busy, and others, and the growth of communities next year could be very different than this month.

but every time I click Publish, I’m already trying to figure out what the next post will be about.

I find that one post brings up more questions in me than it solves, so the more I write, the more I have to write. I wasn't a prolific writer until relatively recently in my life (three years) and prior, I didn't really write at all :)

A reaction is a good way to look at it, a ripple on the world.

Now I have the song “wanna be a baller” by Lil Troy in my head. Thanks for that. 😆

You are welcome :D

As soon as we put our time and money in crypto that value changes. Whether we can exchange it with, for instance resources is a whole different ball game(I wish I was a baller) With 99% Shitcoins, I guess one does have a 1% chance for a rabbit in a hat made of gold ?

Or a rabbit in a hat with a bat, who uses it to hit us so we wake up :D

When I click on Publish I feel that it is the moment of truth, I keep thinking if I wrote well in English and if I left some bullshit, I would not forgive myself.
yet I am used to speaking in public (in Italian) even in front of a hundred colleagues, but the fucking publish button is different! I can paint safely on my feet, or on a street with thousands of people and many looking at you, but when I click on publish it is different, a sense of euphoria and discomfort mix for at least 10 minutes.
I reread and reread and think if I made a good post, then I take a look around, on similar posts of art and I lift myself up. I see a lot of shit without quality and I reassure myself thinking that my students could do much better.
Then I go back to see the results and I think it was a post with good content (at least artistic).
I don't run after money and this helps me a lot because I can sell my paintings fortunately.
But the publish is always a moment of excitement and concern at the same time, then I go to vote for others who have clicked on public and deserve the prize.
Best wishes.

I think artists have a different sense of value than just the money. MY father was an artist (painter) and was far more concerned with making sure his work was valuable than chasing the value on his work itself. Financially the wrong path, but he has a valuable life behind him.

Not gonna lie but the first thing I hope right after publishing my post is that big juicy vote. But, for me to get that reward, I have to put something for the community to take away. this can be a story or a nice picture from a place that many of them haven't gone to.
I have to give something worthy to be able to get some good rewards.

So before clicking that publish button, I try to put effort on the content.

Something worthy is a good way to look at it and then you have to think, worthy for who, which segment of the audience, as rarely will something connect with all.

That is true!
You can't cover everything.

A disabled man sat in a tin shack. He was injured in the mines and the little amount that he got as compensation was long gone, as he has a wife and 6 children.
Yet, he smiled as he spoke to me about hope!
Without hope, we have nothing!

I believe it is hope that spurs us forward as a species

Oh yeah, hope is one of my beloved words and I hope yours as well :)

I hope to get feedbacks on my content. Because, I hope to grow little by little here in Hive. And when I reach to a position, I hope my content will justify my secured position.

And when I reach to a position, I hope my content will justify my secured position.

I think this is important, it shows the consistency over time and not taking it for granted.

I just hope it's enjoyable in some way. Feedback is always nice. The rewards are just icing on the cake.

A little feedback goes a long way -

A big fat whale upvote. lol
To be honest, we all are here for rewards and we all want that big fat rewards on every post, but that is somewhat rare, so instead, I want people to read my content and tell me what's they like and dislike. Rewards will anyway follow once more and more people will see the post.

Rewards will anyway follow once more and more people will see the post.

Yep, and this develops through consistent contribution and interaction. The "Don't be a dick" philosophy helps a lot too :)

Or at least make it out O_O

I'm sure there are people at least unconsciously considering the second last paragraph every time they hit the publish button XD

What I hope for depends entirely on the post. If it's art or hs misc, I hope someone finds it worth a comment (the upvotes are great too) and I'm happy with whatever feedback I get. If it's a progblog they're purely informational so I don't even hope for anything (even several years later I still assume I'm posting into a void) and the comments and upvotes are constantly a pleasant surprise XD

even several years later I still assume I'm posting into a void

I think some people are posting into a void and think that what they are posting is being seen by many. I reckon this might also be a trap of large upvotes on a newbie post who doesn't yet know the platform well. It makes it appear that they got engagement, when it might not have had much at all - but, they will learn in time.

  1. Meaningful interaction
  2. Votes so high I look at HiveNow and say.... Wow

I am glad I am not the only one using HiveNow :)

The meaningful interaction is something that is a big driver for me personally, as it is an indication that it has connected enough with people at some level that they are willing to spend some time on it.

I can tell from my limited daily followers which ones are commenting genuinely and which ones have been “trained” to comment almost anything with the hopes of receiving another upvote.

I remember when steem and sbd had pumped, activity was through the roof and the quality of many posts had increased since there was some serious value in the reward pool to compete for.

"hopefully" ... "doth butter no parsnips"


I am surprised he got away with it

When you click Publish, what do you hope for?

During the publication of articles that are really important for articles, I hope to receive comments and change something in the world in my own words.

In other cases, I hope to get additional funds to achieve my goals.

Вперед к действию.gif

change something in the world in my own words.

I think that this is a nice way to think about how the things we say affect the world around us.

When you click Publish, what do you hope for?

Feedback. The best thing about writing for me is about feedback, both the feedback I can get from other people and the feedback I can get from myself. Your question made me think, thanks for the post. Regards.

The self-feedback is a great part of the process - an easy way to self-reflect.

When I post I generally hope to get around a dollar worth of upvotes and some comments. I'll admit I also hope to get a big curator vote too, those make me all giddie seeing those $15 upvotes. Ofcourse I don't expect them nor expect to get them on every post.

It is nice to get the big votes too and that giddy feeling is great :)

I won't lie, but it does amuse me to write out something, and then hit that "Publish" button. It gives me a sense of joy inside, and I only hope to make someone else smile. I'd like to think that somewhere out there, it made someone feel just that bit better.

Though I won't lie; rewards, follows, and engagements are a motive in that, too. Besides, if I don't get anything from it, whether it's some form of compensation, or a comment from a passer-by, I wouldn't have felt 'validated' or inspired enough to keep writing :-)

I'd like to think that somewhere out there, it made someone feel just that bit better.

It is a good feeling when there is a little feedback from time to time, someone confirms this I think :)

Hive is a community of relationships, some create good relationships, some don't - but it is up to each to find their path.

True. That little feedback, good or bad, is what keeps me going :-)

When I click Publish, I do hope my h post will attract readers who will share in my ideas. "Ideas rule world they say."

Ideas rule the world when they are put into action. Some will look to control opportunity, some create it.

To be honest, I don't count on votes, which is different what we all hope on.
But I do know how the economics work and know that I only have a slim chance on writing on post with double digits rewards. I guess it would be easier to win the lottery. If I would play on it.
I can't espect a lot of comments due to the fact that I haven't written so much in the past month. Strange but most the comments I am getting, if any, I am getting on the Steem side and not on the Hive side.

So what do I hope for. Both comments and votes of course, but there is no expectation. I just write because it has become part of the daily routine. I write because it does trigger other braincells to work.
It would be great if people do read it, but if not than they don't.

Stay safe,

Consistency of activity is definitely a key factor in both getting reward and comments.

The Steem side has people looking for something, since there isn't much there.

The triggering of braincells is a huge factor for me also- "proof of brain" :)

Humm! I love this

Often, two people are going to have conflicting hopes, so when hopes are met - one is going to be disappointed.

I ain't gonna say much, but everyone want real value for their work. This short post is more than just for posting on Hive. Hope is powerful.

Hope is powerful, why do anything if one doesn't hope for an outcome?

I always hope to see some engagement on my post, with decent reward for the value I create.

hope that i haven't made many spelling mistakes. hate to edit

The trick is - not to care too much. I edit often though, as @abh12345 let's me know whenever I make an error. ;D

But really, don't stress about it too much though, because the tolerance level for the audience is quite high for typos

yes true the grammar nazis havent made it here yet. but would like to be prepared when they show up :P

I hope this goes viral :D