What We Do Here! @ BRO Central.

in The Man Cave2 years ago

man cave (1).png

Alright, so my team ganged up on me early this morning and told me that I needed a set in stone updated post on all that we do in The Man Cave and umbrella projects so that everyone can understand. Also, so that we can direct people to the information that they need in the future.

So with that, let's get started:

Owning BRO

You can buy it here https://hive-engine.com/trade/BRO

BRO is the lifeblood of our project. BRO is what interconnects everything we do in the man cave and beyond. To own BRO is to share a piece in everything that we do now and in the future.

If you hold BRO in your wallet you will receive hive dividends every week on a Friday. How much varies and is dependant on how much we make in the various defi projects I have the fund in. To give you a basic example it can be anything between 200 & 600 Hive per week sent out between everyone.

BRO is also backed by our splinterlands assets, hive power, and the various defi projects we are in currently off chain.

The Man Cave

The Man Cave is the social aspect of our project. This is where the steering of our project happens.

If you own 1000 or more BRO then you become a Dragon and sit at the top of our server and help me guide our projects. You get to have your say and I tend to listen -- within reason. You also have your own room and a list of upcoming benefits as they emerge. Currently you get access to a 100% Brofi upvote & early access to any projects we work with in the future.

We are building out our social side but it's still early days. I am thinking of chat rewards, competitions and gaming in the future, amongst many other things.

Join us here for memes and dad jokes from @themarkymark here: https://discord.gg/cv9xAmfcqq


Brofi is our HP builder. We are currently building up HP for our fund.

If you delegate Hive Power to @Brofi then you will get BRO as a reward daily and there you can keep it or sell it on the market as you like. Currently APR sits at around 11-12%

If you hold 1000 BRO or over we will give you a 100% upvote from Brofi. However, please be reminded this service is complimentary and can be rescinded at any time, especially if you are shitposting! We will also remove you if you are being downvoted by any of the hive security projects.


Cine is our sister project and is managed by @papacrusher. CineTV is a film and TV tribe with a new front end on the way, and all sorts of utilities and fun stuff on the horizon. I can't be very open at the moment because we are still building. You can earn Cine here: https://www.cinetv.blog/

Dragons Den

Want a chance to fund your project? Come and pitch them to our Dragons who have more liquidity between them than the Pacific Ocean has water. They want early access to new and exciting projects, you want funding for your idea - what's not to love? Come in and drop me a message https://discord.gg/cv9xAmfcqq

Hive in a box

Need help? Project failing and you don't know why? Want to bolt on this service to your new project? Basically we have a team ready and willing to come in, investigate where the problems are, and fix them for you -- and get you back into growing rather than being a sinking ship. This is part of our raising the standards for projects campaign. Get everyone that works with us into a growth mindset.

More! Much more.

This is only what we have this year. Next year there will be a whole lot more. New tokens, new utilities, lots more.

By owning BRO you own a piece of all this.


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 119 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Hey @brofund, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

This is an excellent community driven project. Lots of things going on, and always active. Keep up the good work!

Thank you sir :)

We are happy you listened, and I should say we ganged up on you in the friendliest matter :) We just love sending the right and updated info to people when they ask us about BRO..


Yup, good isn't it? :)

I tried to delegate to brofi but never received daily dividends. Is there a minimum quantity to use? Maybe 10HP wasn't enough to test it

I'm not too sure. You could try 50 HP?

Ok. I'll let you know if it works

It worked with 50HP. Perhaps it may be useful to say this to newcomers (like me). Thank you! 😊

Great explanation about what BRO stands for! Glad you listened ... and can I suggest you pin this post in Discord, and in The Mancave Community here on peakd?

Done and done :)

Finally it all becomes clear!


Yay! :D

This post has been manually curated by @bhattg from Indiaunited community. Join us on our Discord Server.

Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.

Read our latest announcement post to get more information.


Please contribute to the community by upvoting this comment and posts made by @indiaunited.

Thank you sir :)

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

chicks are attracted to guys with $BRO

They are!

Great work !! Cant wait to see all these projects develop!! CineTV is gonna be huge I think!

hope so :)

I love it :) Really, I should try to make more time for Discord!!! Thanks for everything you do 🙌

This post has been manually curated by the VYB curation project

Thank you sir! :)