Sunset Beach

in Sketchbooklast year

Good day everyone!

I hope you are all doing well! Last night I finished a small drawing of Plaka beach, in Naxos island, during the sunset.


Once again it started off as a black and white doodle drawing.


But eventually my markers attacked and ended up with a color blast!



That is so cool! I am on a rock kick right now. I start with one rock, and then next thing you know, it's a painting of rocks! The striped umbrellas and the cool, wavy sunset are accented by the calm water. Such pretty colors. It almost looks like there are skulls in there :O

Thanks for sharing!


Thanks so much @simgirl :) Now that you told me about the skulls, I'm gonna burn out lookin for them lol

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  • Hi! It's nice to meet you and your art @mariandavp! ;)
    Especially this one is very much of my type :)
    Naxos island is in Greece, right?

    Thank you very much, it's nice to meet you @trayan 🙂