Trippy Thursday - The Ancient Lump

Here is a ballpoint pen doodle for this #trippythursday
Deep in a Mayan temple archaeologists have uncovered an ancient lump of unknown material.

The geometric lines are precise and it appears to be made out of some kind of stone.
Surely no ancient civilization could have tools to create a pattern this precise on such a hard stone.
They transported it to the Smithsonian for further study and as they moved it from one region to another it began changing patterns.
Those who were most in contact with the artifact began taking their shirts off and looking for feathers to put in their hair.
By the time it got to the Smithsonian archives the scientists were in full Mayan garb.
Soon they began building a stepped pyramid inside the archives out of whatever they could find.
The smartest scientist had to take off his Mayan outfit and develop a marketing campaign to come see the latest exhibit. Tickets are half price!
All the city socialites and elites came to the opening exhibit and were ushered down a dark hallway in the back. "Only one person can see it at a time, wait in line." said the secret Mayan scientist.
One by one they were sacrificed on the stepped pyramid made out of cardboard boxes to the ancient deity called Quetzalcóatl. People only started figuring out what happened when they had to start disposing of bodies in the Potomac River. A secret government organization had to enclose the artifact and put it next to the Arc of the Covenant in an underground warehouse where no one could come in contact with it.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Fun story... channeling Close Encounters and Indy both. Spielberg theme. or maybe ThrowbackThursday, 1977 and 1981 on those movies 😳 you're too young for those movies lol

I can only watch stuff before 2008ish. After that they all got plastic. I just watched the winged serpent with that kung fu actor. Hilarious stuff.