Do I need a quarantine?

in CreativeWorkHr CWHlast month (edited)

My cards in DreemPort

I may have more, but... who knows? There is also a skilful technique of putting what you want to hide in plain sight for all to see. 😅

In the shire of Hive only four people, including me, know the truth, i.e. they know what I have. I hope that among them there is not a rotten squash and, moreover, that it is not myself. This is where I ask myself: do I need to quarantine myself?

I think we are a mighty lost team. We don't know anything. We have a lot of useless... stuff in our general inventory and we've been mulling over the idea of creating a MSME.

The idea came from @brijwhiz, the author of the Team Fresh image, and he enlisted the help of Bing AI.


But this is not the point. What is the point is to elucidate why I am here writing this post. I don't really know myself. That is "to be in tune with Amani's general idea", she wants to achieve something never seen before in her garden, just by getting the plants to breathe with each other. However, it is not clear to her. She herself does not know what she is doing. Perhaps this is the best way to participate, not in this game, but in life in general. It would be better to be guided by our heart and not by reason, like children. Being amazed by everything, being beautifully naïve and loving. And if we need to cry and kick to claim what we need, then we do it. How cute, isn't it?

{this is what I'm listening to now}

Through the stories Dreemsteem delivers we can get clues to the card combinations. There are other times when we are given other clues, the effectiveness of which is not verified. Or they are too simple and we complicate them, with the result that everything rots. Oh mamma mia, what a disgrace. I hate squashes as much as I love flan. {LOL}

Are you new here? Don't you know what DreemPort is?

Simple. There's a mechanism for obtaining Dreem tokens and cards, curating content. They're beautiful, aren't they? But they're not like those I showed you at the beginning, they're plant cards. Mine already have a first merge.

These are the characters from Amani's garden. I got them by fusing plants with the magic card. And we got rotten things by fusing plants with plants. This sacrilege who would allow it. It seems that the strange fusion will happen between the families. Here it is one step at a time. Don't try to run on loose laces.

First, magic with plants. Then, some characters that can merge and... what else we know I can't tell you, because I don't have the consent of my beloved Team Fresh. 😎

We've been making NFTs with plants and characters and transferring them between ourselves to make the combinations. However, selling cards on the DreemPort market seems to be an important solution for all dreemers. I don't know, think about it. This guy of ours has revolutionary ideas, really.

Let me be the Bri-(j)-dge to your prosperity!

Here we see that this phrase from brijwhiz in his most recent post is coined for history. 😂


are you new here?, don't know what DreemPort is?

Mysteries exist because we are trying to get the chest of gold.

Dreemport homepage detail

I bet everyone wants to have this paycheck.


Greedy! Rotten Squashes!

Let the first one come and throw the punch, I've already learnt the technique of knocking out.

Hahaha... in Dreemie's stories sometimes sudden knockouts happen.

Posts of Season 2
If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 - Here is all you need to catch up! To collect your cards - be sure to do your daily curation tasks on DreemPort and if you need to ask questions live - head over to our DreemPort discord. The prize to solve the mystery FIRST is 350 HBD - go it alone, or form a tEEM and split the winnings amongst yourselves. Clues can be found in the storyline to guide your journey! Good luck!

👉DreeMerge Season 2 Collection of Posts👈

I have used these resources to help understanding ;) 
sources: Dreemport Official site and @dreemsteem posts


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Is my MTB Girl powerful or is it me?

A "tokenized" battle of giants

| MONOMAD | What I am

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That was a fun post @nanixxx I was laughing so hard :D The best humor is the one with the seed of truth, and our chaotic way of putting things together is best highlighted here. @dreemsteem should create a new game where we can use the squashes, maybe during Halloween :D

Angels is a fantastic song for sure. I do love Robbie Williams.

And I love your NFT showroom!!! Keep on clicking and minting!!!

Hahaha... I forgot to mention the pirate of Hivenvy.


I love Robbie, he's always on my playlist of English songs.
Thank you for stopping by and for your compliments on my NFT Gallery.


@Hiveny you need to create an NFT of this pirate. It is just wonderful !!!

I had no idea about this, how much I have yet to learn. It is to read and reread and learn. Thanks Nani, another world inside Hive!😃

And what we still need to know... 🙂

We're just swimming at the shore.

Life is learning and deep learning, for those who wish to do so.

Just today I was thinking of asking you about this, what a coincidence 🤭...ah no...coincidences don't exist 😃.


Water is a conducting element. Maybe you thought about that while drinking a glass of water.

Es posible 🤣.