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RE: Exploring Hive Community Social Media Channels

in OCD4 years ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts! I'm pretty new to the whole Blockchain stuff (besides "investing" in 2017), so I'm always eager to learn how to ditch any Mainstream services for Blockchain ones (-> Youtube to LBRY, Reddit to Hive etc.).

The only thing bothering me is that I cannot post anything. It always tells me that I don't have enough Hive power. Do you have any tips on that? I got two freshly written articles to share myself and I can't post them :(
I can post them on Publish0x - no problem, on Steemit - no problem. But here: no chance.


Hey! Thank you for your comment and welcome to Hive. It seems that you don't have enough Resource Credits, and that's why you cannot post. You need more Hive Power and I understand you how will you earn Hive if you cannot post.

I'm going to delegate you some Hive Power so you can publish your posts. And when you have them published please let me know and I can give you a vote.

Hey! @bqreus I have delegated you some Hive Power!

I did it form my wife account (@grisvisa) because for some reason on my the system was not letting me delegate you any amount even though I have enough.

Now you should be able to post your articles here.


You can check your activity here:

Oh my god this is so nice of you! Thanks so much!

Still, a question remains: when a new user needs upvotes to post, but can't post (and therefore can't get any updates) - is the only to gain more HIVE power to buy HIVE? If that's the case, that would be a bad way to lure in potential members/users. But maybe I'm just misunderstanding the concept.

EDIT: I just posted my article, yay :)
Here it is:

Users don't need upvotes to post and when they start they have enough RC (Resource Credits) to make at least one post, maybe in your case because you started upvoting and making comment you drained your RC and did not have enough to continue.

But I agree with you it's still an issue and that why there are communities and users willing to delegate to new users, users that are real and are here to contribute to the platform.

For what I understand this system is to avoid spam and abuse but I know there are initiatives to help users with some HP delegations to start. You created you account on a free service from esteem so that's why you did not have any HP at the beginning.

The best thing a new user can do to start on Hive is reach out to the community on Twitter and/or here on Hive. I know a lot of users that are willing to help.

And of course users that buy Hive (and power up) will be able to grow faster and have more advantages that someone who doesn't buy any. In my personal experience I did not have to buy any coins until the second or third month and that was because I wanted to invest and grow faster.

I see, that makes sense now. Since I'm used to Reddit, I upvoted a lot of Posts that I liked so that may indeed be the reason. I think I have some reading up to do :-D

But anyway, I could post my article now (see the EDIT above). Thanks again!