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RE: POSTING INITIATIVE: Win a 2000HP delegation - Just by writing a post (Everyone is eligible)

in OCD4 years ago

Good luck to everyone who enters this. @galenkp likes reading almost as much as writing.

There's also the very important element of blogging that a lot of people miss, which is the whole point of this, engage with your audience, whether they're building on your content, criticising it, or finding further information about the topic to discuss.

The people you'll meet....


Hey mate...Seems like I'm a glutton for punishment as far as the reading goes...Still you're right, it's about promoting content-creation and driving engagement. Let's see how many people have a go...And quite possibly gain a lot in the process, including the exposure.

Without readers, you're just preaching to an empty room :)

Yes for sure! Let's hope this attracts entrants and those readers to show some love too huh?