My First Introduction To Hive

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

Hi everyone!
hope you are ok! This is the first time to Hive through the recommendation of @dodovietnam. He is not only excellent English teacher but also humorous and sociable person as you know. I appreciated him a lot.
First of all, let me introduce myself. My full name is Le Thi Thao Nguyen. People call me Nguyen. If you are foreigners, you can call Win instead 😊. This is because I have a few foreigners being from around the world. They said that it was difficult for them to call my real name, and when they pronounced my name, I heard like Win though they had tried their best 😂. Apart from that, I have one more name is Win. Please call whatever name it is easy for you to say 😊.


Can you guess my age when you look my avatar? The age on my Citizen Identity Card is 26 years old but I'm 29 actually 😊. I don't know the reason why but until when I was 12 years old, my mom told me that she went to make my birth certificate late and she would get fined for that. Finally, she decided to make that decision seeing that the finances were a terrible worry to our family at that time. That is why I look like older than my fake age 🤣.


Have you ever been to Viet Nam? I really feel lucky when I was born here where has a lot of wonderful landscapes recognized by UNESCO as a world cultural heritage along with diverse and rich cuisine. Besides, Vietnamese people are quite friendly, kind and sociable also. That is Why many Foreigners always want to visit my country. What about you? I believe that I will get wonderful experiences when you come to 😊


I used to do a lot of jobs though I had stuck with them a little time, such as, restaurant waitress, private tutor, pastry chef, etc... Especially, I am really impressed by my pastry chef job. I enrolled for the cooking course lasting for 6 months. After studying within first 3 months, I wanted to experience more in life so I applied for a job in the Golden Pastry Viet Nam company headed by a famous pastry chef teaching me in that course.

banh tart.jpg

This is a few pastries I made by myself. They look like delicious. Is that right 😊? I have a passion for the pastries, and I don't know why I look like a kid when they are right in front of me every time 😆. But now, I have been stopping my career, and I am brushing up on my English to find another job.

chi tuyet.jpg

Almost of my leisure is not spent shopping, playing game or doing something that is not interesting to pass time like other people. I really like cooking, making a meal for my family or friends. I am still trying to learn in order to cook more delicious seafood dishes. This is because my house is near the beach, and it is not difficult to buy them as you know.
Wait! Is there anything else I haven't said about myself 😅?
Ahh! Almost forgot. May be this is more important than ever in my first introduction to Hive. I am optimistic, easy going and cheerful person always looking to explore and learn new things. I am not afraid to communicate. Let's make friends and become friends to share interesting things in our life together. Nice to meet you here and welcome 😊.


Welcome phanthanhdie12!
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Welcome win or should I say Nguyen. It doesn't make any difference since I don't really have to pronounce it. Also your pastry and seafood looks delicious. Looking forward to seeing more of you

Hi BOs. How are you? Nice to meet you here :) I wonder if you understand actually what I say or not :) because my English is very bad, and I am trying to improve it. You can call me Win :) I think it is easier for you to call.

Nice to meet you too.

Your English is not so bad. I understood everything you said, win :)

Welcome the girl!!!

Yeah. hi Hy. Nice to meet you here. how are you? 😊

Yep, nice to know you. I'm good to day!😊

Actually the Hive is something really being strange with me 😅. I am trying to be accustomed to it. Hope you can help me. 😊

Yes, I just joined it not too long ago, let's try it together!

Oh yes side by side 😊

Welcome @phanthanhdie12 to Hive. I'm sure you will find a lot of fun here.
Wish you a successful journey on Hive.
I'm here if you have any questions and looking forward to your future posts.

Of course @dodovietnam . I am exploring it now. Thanks very much 😊

em chào chị nhé hí hí

Chào Xuân Phúc nè :)))

em chao chi hihi

chào bạn. mừng bạn đến với team hivevn. đồ ăn nhìn hấp dẫn quá cơ

Chào KimLoan :) Mình chỉ có được chút chút tài đó đó bạn, còn lại so bad. hihi

Welcome to Hive! @phanthanhdie12 ❤️. I hope you will find a lot of fun here.

Cảm ơn Quyết nha, chị mới vừa đọc bài your first controduction to Hive. Rất ấn tượng về 2 đứa nha :) nhưng mà chị mới tham gia nên chưa biết thả tim thả like gì hết. 😅

À. Do bài đó quá 7 ngày nên k thả tim nữa được đâu chị 😃

it is okay. I am looking forward to seeing your next content 😊

Welcome Ms. Nguyen, the food looks so tempting 😋

Thanks. Phải Tỉnh đó không ta ??? 😄

Em đó chị, hehe

Hi Nguyen, we have the same name and at the same age, but I would totally believe you if you tell me you're 26 though 😂

Welcome and hope to see lots of food content here 😋

oh Really??? Everyone tells me that I am older than my real name. 😆
yes, my next content will be food because I am an eating enthusiast 😊

I love food too 😍

Hello @phanthanhdie12 ! This is @macchiata from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive Blockchain. Congratulations and welcome!

There are some information that I want you to have a look:

  1. Exploring communities on hive OCD Communities Incubation Program and for all communities on hive
  2. For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.
  3. The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server or you can tag @macchiata if you have further question. I'd be happy to help.

Have a nice day and have fun exploring hive!

Thanks very much. I will explore Hive

Welcome. I like the photo with the big hand. I thought it was edited! Haha.

Hihi Have you ever been to there? 😆

I have never been there, but it sure looks like from a movie. Haha.

not really hihi

Great intro post and welcome to the Hive fam em :)
Look forward to your upcoming posts and see you around 😉

Hi Ms. Trang. I am exploring Hive, and hope I find a lot of fun here 😊

Wow.. The Best Start..
Welcome on HIVE sis..
Good luck

yeah. Hope I find a lot of fun here 😊

Wow, You are the great chef

hihi. thanks very much 😊