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RE: POSTING INITIATIVE: Win a 2000HP delegation - Just by writing a post (Everyone is eligible)

in OCD4 years ago

Hi there! :)
Since I post everyday in Hive will not make a post in response to your great initiative.
I will leave to your consideration what I'm doing in Hive right now and last months.
Due the covid19 pandemic I have run for 40 days a challenge #travelathome with more than 100 people participating (some of them still in action).
Now I'm running another challenge #a-zmusic, this new challenge did not get 100 participants but there are a few, running and sharing good music.
In both challenge I try to support all of them and make engagement but main intention is have fun and have people active and having fun on Hive.
More challanges comming in my mind! ;)


Hi there @psos

Since I post everyday in Hive will not make a post in response to your great initiative.

You're welcome to do so, however it's your prerogative. It doesn't matter whether you post daily or not, it's about driving more activity onto the chain and to broadening the community, reaching out further.

All the best.

Thanks :)
All the best to you and the initiative too.