Calving Season

in OCD3 years ago

It's calving season, and since my wife's folks have around 300 cattle, that meant I got to spend some time this past weekend hanging out in the pasture.

Which also meant... I got to pet newborn calves!


This little guy was born not too long before we got out to the pasture. Sometime in the early morning, and since the cows are fairly used to being worked with by my wife's family, the momma cow was okay with us approaching it.

So, I got to pet this little cutie! It seemed to like ear-skritches.


We didn't stay too long with it, but it was sure nice to get to pet a calf.


They've had about 70 calves so far if I recall what my father-in-law was saying. Calving started 14 days ago, and is about half-way done. So, it's a pretty good turnout so far.


My toddler didn't want to pet the calves, but did like staring at the cows and calves and moo-ing at them, haha.


With the pandemic and our province being in various levels of lockdown for the majority of the last year, we have spent almost no time up at the farm. We got lucky this week and restrictions lifted JUST in time for Easter - so we knew it was a perfect time to head up to the farm.

Hopefully as vaccinations continue to roll out and the summer progresses we'll be able to spend more time out there without COVID getting in our way. I think much of his reticence to being around the cows was purely that we haven't really been anywhere in a year, so he's really not used to it. Further trips will make every aspect of being on the farm easier and more fun I'm sure.

Hope you enjoy the cow photos! I'm likely going to post the calf at least to the Stock Images Community just in case someone wants to use it for anything.

Hope you all had a great Easter for those who partake or a very good weekend for those who don't.