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RE: Good News: Hive Gets Listed on Binance JEX Exchange

in OCD4 years ago


Pretty much similar to Jex.

As we can use the same login details, it was easier to try. My secret wish was to see if Hive was on futures with 100x leverage.

We have to wait I suppose.


I guess it's only a matter of time now. Can't ignore HIVE for too long, I believe it has started it's bullrun already this morning.

Everyone's claiming bullrun makes it even more interesting.

I mean:

Hive shooting upto $10 is 20x from here.

Is it possible?

Going to make a lot of faces smile!

$10 is a long long way to go. Realistically, probably not. But crypto has done crazier things!

Hive going to $10 is 45x from here.