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RE: 3 Mindset Shifts For New Content Creators on Hive

in OCD4 years ago

You've done a great job here of throwing a bit of fuel behind my ambition!

Nothing excites me more than knowing this. Thank you!

getting the mojo flowing to keep writing has been my own personal hell that I feel I'm imposing on myself.

This is the key. We all go through it. Therefore sometimes I publish immediately. Otherwise if you give enough time? You are never coming back to that article. Kinda like bookmarks. I have bookmarks from 2012 that I have never visited. Perhaps you can relate to it.

On the other hand, there are copywriters who write but publish the next day.

Sharing both sides of the coin. Decision time! :)
Following you to see you in action.


I'm actually right now putting the finishing touches on a really big one laying the ground for a new series, and hopefully lighting a fire under myself to make it happen :D

Just saw. Thank you for doing this. Now one more. :D