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RE: Community of the Week Challenge entry for PROJECT.HOPE Community

in Project HOPE4 years ago

ProjectHope was the very first actual "community" I became engaged with on Steemit. Owing primarily to the great work and leadership of @crypto.piotr, PHope was grown into a vibrant group that is continuing to evolve and which is having a great impact on Steemit.

Keep it up!

 4 years ago  

Hi @majes.tytyty

I absolutely appreciate your supportive comment and BIG thx for resteeming this post.

Have a good monday buddy,
Cheers, Piotr

My pleasure. I'm always impressed by your vision and your ambition. Keep up the great work.

Chiang Mai is getting hot again. And this year, the smoke / haze is not so bad at all – in fact, barely noticeable.

My visa expires 4 April, so I'll head to Malaysia for 2 months or so. Probably the island of Langkawi. Then back to CM for 2 months on a tourist visa, and after that .... who knows?

Hope all is well in your area. And I hope it's getting warmer!