Morning Run - 22km (an early-ish start for once!)

in EXHAUST15 days ago

dannewton just finished a 22.07km run, that lasted for 142 minutes.
This run helped dannewton burn 1697.0 calories.

Description from Strava: Once again its time for the weekend long run. I was a little tight for time today, as we needed to go food shopping and stock up on supplies.

I hate shopping in the afternoons at the weekend as town is always so busy, which meant we would go in the morning. But then this would get in the way of the run, as I'd rather do it in the morning

The solution was to make a concerted effort to get up earlier than I would normally choose, in order to get the run completed, and then head into town, and still be home before lunchtime.


In fact, this tight time constraint actually helped me... for the past few weeks I've dawdled in the morning, in no real rush, and end up practically wasting the day. Today, I knew I had a very narrow window of opportunity, and that meant I was able to be more focused in getting the run completed.

Regular readers will probably recognize the above route, as I've run it so many times. At 22km it is just over the Half Marathon distance, and what I would consider the bare minimum of what I should do for the 'long run' each week.

I usually run this in a 'clockwise' direction, starting at the bottom in Bracebridge Heath, heading up through the center of Lincoln, and then round and back down the bypass. So for a little bit of variety I chose to run this in the opposite way... heading up the bypass and into the top of Lincoln, and then wriggling down through the town center to get back home

My alarm set off at 6:30

Much too early for a day off, but needs must I guess!

I got dressed and headed downstairs, and had a quick spot of breakfast while I woke up. I also put a load of washing out on the line. It was overcast and cloudy, but there would be plenty of sunshine later

At 7:45, I felt ready to head out. I put some shoes on, along with the running vest, and filled up a small flask of water to take with me.


It was pretty chilly to begin with, and the fog didn't help, but I did begin to warm up after 15-20 minutes into the run. I didn't take a the action camera with me today, as I wanted to focus on running. I also had to be home for a set time so we could then go shopping in ton, so didn't need the distractions.

I did still take my phone, so I can still show you the route

Spoiler: the pics are similar to previous times I've posted about this route, but they are in 'reverse order' here. you know, 'cos I'm doing it backwards today!


The fog lingered pretty much all the way along the 8km of the bypass


The path along the bypass takes me all the way up to the roundabout on Wragby Road, and at this point I then head left...


...and in to Lincoln itself.

I left the fog behind, but it was still kinda grey and overcast


After trundling along Wragby Road, I took a sharp left along Greetwell Road, before heading down Monks Road.

By this point it was just after 9am, and the roads seemed deserted! I know it's a Saturday, and lots of people don't work weekends (and no schools open either), but it seemed eerily quiet. I get the bus to work during the week and it goes along Greetwell Road, and there's queues everywhere...


After Monks Road, I cut straight across the High Street, and headed past the Brayford

Behind me is the Odeon Cinema, along with a selection of restaurants and Pubs. I preferred the view in front of me though, looking over the water with the University of Lincoln on the far side.


A quick detour past Tritton Road (where most of the 'out of town' shops are located...


...and then I rejoined the High Street and began to head home


After arriving back at home just after 10am, I had a very quick shower and then my partner and I headed straight into town to get the food shopping done... and as planned we managed to get this done before lunchtime.

Being organized for once meant I was able to tick the run off this morning, and still have plenty of time this afternoon to get other stuff done. Granted, I've mostly been cleaning so its not very exciting, but it did need doing lol

Besides, it then sets me up to do some moth trapping this evening, which will be more exciting, especially as its been much warmer recently, so I'm feeling hopeful of seeing some interesting stuff later this evening!

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: Living in the UK, I am an intermittent Runner, but always striving for more consistency. When I'm not training I can be found photographing insects or listening to really loud angry music (which is the best type of music obviously!)


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Bright and early straight into foggy weather at least it cheered up along the way, looks brilliantly green with nice scenery along the route you take.

Hope the moths are out tonight for you to share more interesting finds you have in the region.

Well done on getting a lot done in a day!

@tipu curate

Hey Joan :-)

Its a lovely route, and with all the rain we've had recently, everything does look lush and green in the sunshine

I did indeed see some lovely moths, have just posted about it here, if you were interested in checking it out.

It was a reasonably productive weekend all round, made a nice change.... hope you had a productive and enjoyable weekend too!

We have had some amazing moths of late, butterfly season prolific this time of year as well.

A minimum long run at 21km is a nice place to be at, but the front lawn needs mowing !LOL or is that next doors front yard! Either way nice work on the good running base!

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It certainly does need mowing, but not mine !LOL.

Yep, starting to get back in to the swing of things with training, it's all good :-)

That's a decent run. I sometimes get to avoid the weekly shopping if I'm at parkrun or on a long run, but it varies. We had lots at our parkrun today and conditions were great. It's nice to have it a little cooler and we only had a few drops of rain.


To be fair, we rarely do a 'proper' weekly shop... I often pass by shops on the way home from work and pick up a few bits, and Dawn works in a supermarket (when she is not at Uni, so often does a shop after work. She has just returned home for the summer, and just needed to stock up on supplies, as the cupboards have been a little bare recently.

Hopefully next week I can head out for the run a little later, not really a morning person, and running early in the morning seems harder than the same route in the evening!


The cleanliness of the road is something that is attracting me a lot :)

I love the foggy view though
I’m glad you had a good run
Keep it up!

I do like running in the fog, I like the mysterious-ness of it I guess!

Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
To see the full Weekly Leader Board, click here.

This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @navidjahanshahi - 6776.1 Calories Burned
  2. @pinkhub - 5547.4 Calories Burned
  3. @argon - 4439.3 Calories Burned
  4. - 4389.0 Calories Burned
  5. @borniet - 4350.0 Calories Burned

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Hey @dannewton, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

We love your support by voting @detlev.witness on HIVE .


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@dannewton(1/5) tipped @steevc

When it's such a special weather, walking feels a lot better and the health gets a lot better too,