Morning Run

in EXHAUST14 days ago

new.things just finished a 14.01km run, that lasted for 114 minutes.
This run helped new.things burn 846.0 calories.

Description from Strava: Strava2hive slow longer run for me with a bit of walking and a few ohoto stops, trying not to overload the legs after a bigger day yesterday too

If you would like to check out this activity on strava you can see it here:

About the Athlete: A 5km runner living in Brisbane and an avid parkrun tourist that has done a few Triathlons, Ultras and Ironmans.



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Keep going, you're smashing your training at the moment and getting stronger every day.
To see the full Weekly Leader Board, click here.

This Weeks Leader Board(Top 5):

  1. @pinkhub - 7032.099999999999 Calories Burned
  2. @navidjahanshahi - 6776.1 Calories Burned
  3. @matisport - 6054.0 Calories Burned
  4. @actaylor - 5010.700000000001 Calories Burned
  5. @argon - 4439.3 Calories Burned


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