My morning runs: They're not great but better than nothing

in EXHAUST16 days ago

I recently decided that I was going to start going on morning runs no matter if I feel like it or not. The reason for this was that for whatever reason, I feel more motivated to do these runs surprisingly on an empty stomach than I do if I have a belly full of breakfast. It doesn't make any sense to me either but since I am still carrying some extra weight, I would imagine it has a lot to do with the fact that my body has plenty of extra "fuel" for the activity.


That pace is pathetic because on this particular morning I was really struggling to run at all and at the end of it I also forgot my Strava was still running so it sat on my table for a while after I got back home. Strava tries to correct these mistakes but doesn't always get it right because how could it possibly? I can do a straight-up walk that is faster than 10 minutes per km, so I know that isn't correct. The distance and time is though and the entire idea in my morning activity was to get my heart rate up for an hour or so to begin my day.


The first and the last km of this set are wildly inaccurate. I might be capable of a 4 minute km if i was only doing one. My true pace is represented by kms 2-5. In Km 5 i was mostly cooling down and doing almost entirely walking. The last part, the 300 meters, was where the phone was sitting on a table and I simply forgot it was running.

So I am not using this readout to properly track how fast I am going, but only as a record of the fact that I did actual activity for a prolonged period of time.

Some days when I wake up I REALLY don't want to do this but I force myself out the door in the morning and just get it done. I always feel good about it after the fact so why not?


I have found that running first thing in the morning works for me. I can easily get distracted if I start with anything else, including breakfast. I should have enough reserves from the previous day for my runs, even if I long one. I just need a drink first. The pace only really matters if you are looking to compare with what you have done previously. I always have my Garmin on me and it seems to be fairly reliable. A previous phone app had a tendency to give some wild readings if it lost the GPS signal. It ought to know what is actually possible.

Keep it up!


I can't believe that I never tried this before despite seeing load of people that do exactly that. I'm a huge fan even though I just started doing it. The only downside I can come up with is that my feet hurt about halfway through my working day but this could be because I need better shoes.

That's cool, but get new shoes if your feet hurt. I may be lucky in not having any serious foot issues, but other parts have been going wrong. I was out for a long run before breakfast today.


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Best time to run and for some reason it gives you a boost of energy for the rest of the day. I used to find it punishing coming home from work and then to go running and you will eventually find an excuse to not do it.

this is a very good point. When i get home from work I am normally feeling exhausted and am very unlikely to do anything other than eat and watch tv or sleep.

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