Everyone desires a Wealthy home

in HiveGhana3 months ago

Some people were lucky to be born into a wealthy home, they never know what it means to be hungry or lack clothes to wear, they have everything they need provided for them.


Everyone wants such a life, we all wish to be born into a rich family but not everyone will be lucky, in fact only 5 percent are lucky to be born into super wealthy homes.

I was not born into a wealthy home but I do not regret coming from this Family, I have a loving father, mother, and Siblings. They are the bedrock that let me get to the position I am today. Without them I would be no one and I have taken it upon myself that we will rise together no matter what, I won't abandon anyone because they did not abandon me, nor would I let anyone come between us.

I would always prioritize them among others and anyone trying to come between us will be thrown away, this is how precious they are to me, even though my properties is not theirs but it would be theirs to use and maintain till they finally have theirs... We rise together no one would be left behind.


If I get to know my parent were rich and they were just pretending all this years, I won't be mad or angry at them, Infact I would be so happy because that is the day I would get the freedom I so much desire.

Being a selfmade millionaire, I don't care about their properties or wealth, my parents properties ain't mine and I am not interested in the share, I am a hustler that will work and have my own properties.

The reason why discovering the hidden truth would make me free is because I won't be responsible for my siblings anymore, everyone would be well to do, even though it might takes our parent wealth to make them financially stable, what matters is that everyone will be fine on his/her own and i won't have to be burdened by their needs.

Even though I have the resources to live large at the moment, I can't because whenever I remember that my siblings can't live such a lifestyle, it kinda makes me feel bad and we are one, so rather than enjoy alone, I will live a low-key life till I have enough to make us all enjoy life to the fullest...

Life is short and my wish is for us to enjoy a good life before the end.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


I think if your parents hid the truth from you there might be a reason. Maybe they wanted to teach you how to struggle and how to make you self-dependent. I am just making a guess.

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well that is not nice.. especially if they see their children struggling and time no longer on their side

God! Your siblings must be lucky to have you, I love the fact that you are not only thinking about yourself but you are also thinking about your siblings. And of everyone deserves to be enjoy life

we are lucky to have each other

Honestly, I’d be very happy but I’d feel sad at the same time cos why will they let me go through so much stress and all the sufferings that I have gone through
I’d be very angry

A very beautiful write up,getting mad at them for hiding their financial status is not the way to go, it only frees one from certain burdens

So I am not alone in this. We can't regret coming from our families just because they seem no to have enough money.
For me I am very happy to have them as my family.
Thanks for sharing

What really matters in life is not the circumstances (adverse or not) that you have to live through. What matters is what you do with those circumstances. Greetings.

I think growing up without a wealthy family is a blessing in disguise, because it instills a strong mindset about working hard to earn one's freedom or independence. The journey is worthwhile and more fulfilling when we and our family all win together. Solo trips to the top are often boring imho.

It is exactly the same that we all strive to be successful by working hard and to provide a good life to our family and that is why a man works day and night in his life.

It really would be a relief not being the only rich person in the family.