If I had to choose a day without my Phone or Food

in HiveGhana3 months ago

Hello to the Hive Ghana community, everyone is excited about the green market and hopefully our hope and wishes of Hive getting to at least 1 dollar will be fulfilled.

This prompt is interesting, as humans, the two options are very important and there is a limited time we can do without it but it is possible to stay a day without the two of them.


The question now lies in which one will I be able to abandon for a day

I am a food lover and I can eat as much as 6times a day, I do not follow the rules that I only need to eat three times a day, it does not work well with me especially when I am at home throughout the whole day and there is a pot of food in the kitchen.

I do not joke with breakfast either because If I skip it, before noon, my body system will have changed, my face will be so dull and my eyes will give me up that something is wrong with me.

On the other hand, I won't die for not pressing my phone in a day but I might lose something especially if it was something I didn't anticipate.

Phones have been developed to be a human best friend and companion now, most of the things we do that give us happiness happen on our phones 50 percent of Nigerians do not have a wall clock in their house, it might even be more than 50 percent but I do not want to exaggerate it and the reason for the absence of wallclock is because of Mobile phones.

People rely on phones so much, for time, alarm, earning money, fitness, and so many other things that a few hours without it can make some people feel bored.

If I had to decide to stay away from one for a day, it would be my phone, it is simple. I would have done the necessary task a day before that day so I would see the day as a day to rest.

I can't do without food and this is the reason why I don't fast, It weakens me a lot if I do without food for a few hours and you can easily tell when I have not eaten because I would be so dull.

Imagine having my phone and being hungry, I would lose interest in the phone and whatever message and whatnot am getting from it, I could even be aggressive toward others especially those bugging me. So rather than spend the whole day in a bad mood, the phone can rest for a day while I treat myself to a nice mean and play with family and friends.

It is a day to relax.

Just call me Burl.

I am a professional gamer, motivational speaker and a crypto enthusiast

Discord: burlarj#8326
Twitter id: burlarj1
Telegram: burlarj
God exists, I am a living testimony
Giving up is not an option, every hustler has a payday
Don't wish for it, Make it happen


I know you can't do without food, even if others could, you wouldn't that one is sure

lol abi na. food is life

It makes sense that way. Not having your phone in a day won’t even give you any health issues but going a day without food may later cost you a lot

yea , no phone is just like a day to relax

my body system will have changed, my face will be so dull and my eyes will give me up that something is wrong with me.

This alone shows how much you love food 😂, I don't know how to eat breakfast, I can't take anything until it's 10am or 11 so I skip breakfast mist of the time.

I love food and don't joke with it😁, mehn can't dare skip breakfast but I guess you re used to it

Interesting point. I would've also chosen a day without phone, without a shadow of doubt or hesitation. It will be a challenge is this modern age, since a day without a phone could translate into being cut off from the online world, where things move very fast and so much can happen in a day.

well we can always take a break , we need it more than ever now that we are addicted to our phones

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50 percent of Nigerians do not have a wall clock in their house

Talking about not having a wall clock in the house is an understatement, most Nigerians now don't have a hard cover Bible even some pastors😂 that's to tell you how phones has really gotten into us.

Talking about food, I can sell my phone for food 🫣

As it is, the market as it was is currently standing in a very good and strong position and we will see within the next few days the price of this coin which is the platform on which we work day and night. A dollar will be seen falling.