Completion of first phase of hive borehole.

in HiveGhanalast year

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We are pleased to announce the current progress of the hive borehole project in Ghana, specifically in the Chanshegu community located in the northern region of the country. The construction of the hive borehole has successfully advanced through several stages, positioning it for a promising start. We extend our gratitude to the chief and community leaders of Chanshegu for their invaluable support, which has contributed significantly to the realization of this project.

Following a series of communications, the drilling firm agreed to commence the borehole drilling operations on Sunday, June 11, 2023. As per the given instructions, the drilling of the hive borehole has been executed, resulting in the successful completion of this phase. As mentioned in previous updates, this drilling stage marks the initial step and the primary phase of the hive borehole project in Ghana.



The project will now proceed with subsequent stages that are crucial for ensuring the project's successful inauguration. Even prior to its completion, the community members eagerly anticipate the arrival of water to their village. Their expressions of joy and satisfaction provide us with great confidence that they will deeply appreciate the benefits offered by the hive blockchain technology. We will continue to share further updates on the project's progress in upcoming posts, as always.

Project : Construction of borehole
Location : Chanshegu, Tamale (Ghana, West Africa)
Sponsor : @valueplan
Project manager : @mcsamm & @collinz


Changing lives with hive.

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We thank God almighty for the success , more grace to you guys

Thanks for passing by.

You are welcome sir

This is such a great news


Keep up the good work