My Canva DIY Cover Creation Guide

in HiveGhana4 months ago

Hello there,
I guess you’re having a great day and if you’re not, I’m here to make your day. Now, tell me why guys always try to lure ladies into helping them do their work.😂 I’m still looking for an answer to this.

If you didn’t know, I’m currently doing my national service which is a one year mandatory service to your nation after graduating from the university. So, I’m working in a university and with the kind of work we do,the students require a lot of practical work at the lab.

Due to the nature of their studies, we the tutors have to come up with Lab handbooks for them to help with their lab work. This is what led my work makes to try to lure me into designing a book cover for our students because they claim to have little to no idea about how canva works. Since I could help,why not.

All we needed was we a simple book design for our post graduate students lab manual because we didn’t have any for them yet. This post is to take you through how I designed a book cover using canva.

First, I opened the Canva website on my pc and I was already logged in since I use my pc a lot for such stuff.

Next, I searched for a suitable template to use since I wanted a different size of page cover which was a bit longer than the usual books we use. I found one that looked okay and I got to editing it to fit my preference.

Some of the designs were a big childish so I had to do away with them and use more science related designs. Getting the right font for the headings was a problem as I didn’t want everything to look the same. I had to pay very keen attention to the font style and size. I think this was the most stressful part of the whole process.

I finally got the right font size and style and I went ahead to input some blank spaces for colour variations in the texts since I needed to create a slot for them to input their school details.

And this was my final work.

Funny thing is, when we started to print the books,the person in charge said they were going to waste a lot of ink if they’re supposed to print the blue colour so I had to change the colour to a lighter one. This was the final look with a few touches here and there.

I hope this guide was helpful to someone out there. Thank you for your time.


Oh these people should pay you for this oo. Cause this final result is too good

😂😂don’t worry, I’ll soon hold their necks

you did a beautiful job here, even with your limited time you are still so creative, that's a good one.

Thank you very much. I’m glad you liked it. 😅

Yes I loved it, it's beautiful.

Who for run am if you no dey there? Nhaji saves the day once again.
I use Canva every now and then, so I know for sure how it is. Very well done with this design. I kind of prefer the brown, though.

Have you tried InLeo yet? You can actually post into Hive Ghana with the frontend and have better curation chances that way.


Na you be the boss.😂

I’m not really used to the leo frontend but I’ll give it a try.
Thanks for passing by.

I see that you gave it a try. How was your experience this time?

It was very good. The process was simple.
But I’m unable to vote in threads. I don’t know why.

I see. How do you log in?

i use hivesigner

You use Android, right? I think the experience is better with Keychain extension on Kiwi Browser. If you'd like to, you can check out this guide on how to set it up on your phone.

You did a wonderful job. Keep it up bro


Herh go away.😂

Thank you very much, bro.😅

Omo! I’ll be waiting to receive my alert. This thing is too good for them not to pay.

Unless you come and see the bosses.😅

Canva to the rescue, if you had given the job out it would have cost you more money. Thank God you know how to use canva.

😂😂I tell you. And these people wouldn’t even laugh when they’re charging you. I’m glad I learnt how to use canva.

Post manually reviewed. 😊

Yay! 🤗
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I can see you’re also good in graphic design.
That was a lovely design, it easy to design on pc than on the phone.

I try my best. Maybe I could learn a few tricks from you.😅

Don’t do this to me
Remember I’m your follower

I know you’re a tech guru. You’re my boss now.😂

I like your vibes sha

Good for you

Very good insights on book cover designs,I will need this someday as I am working on a book.Thanks for the write up.

I’m glad it was useful to you. You’re most welcome.