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RE: Neoxian City weekly paper - 2024-03-31

Hi @neoxian / Mr. D!

I've been looking for projects and 2nd layer tokens to integrate into my community (FreeCompliments). Although I haven't followed it closely, I know that the Neoxian City project has been around for years, is active and actively managed (with your "iron fist" 😁), and has gained the trust of users over time.

Before officially integrating the NEXOAG token into our reward system, I wanted to know whether you'd be interested in such a collaboration. The usage cases I had in mind would be using neoxiancityvb to vote on our highest quality posts and comments (including those which are nominated within our community every week), and rewarding NEOXAG tokens to our users in various ways (through contests, delegation rewards, etc.). I'd also use neoxiancityvb for our various community accounts to help them grow into a self-sustaining ecosystem.

I'd like to emphasize that the way I'm running the show emphasizes freedom of speech with limitations toward blatantly illegal activity, blatant spam, and blatant plagiarism, but with forgiveness and teaching our mechanism of addressing problems.

Please do let me know what you think of this!

 2 months ago  

Possibly, what would you need from me?

Just your verbal approval! I've already delegated 10,000 HP to neoxiancityvb. I can basically run the rest of the process myself and through my team.

Out of respect your project, just let me know of any limitations to content that could receive NEOXAG or votes from the bot (aside from the limitations I already listed).

 2 months ago  

ok great, you have my approval. The limits you listed above seem fine enough.

Wonderful, thanks so much! I'll be letting my community know about this great surprise later this month.

Oh a couple of small questions I forgot to ask: can comments be voted on by the bot if we link them? Also, how long does it take for NEOXAG to be rewarded for delegating HP to the bot?

 2 months ago  

No comment votes. Neoxag should be awarded every day. If you are not getting it yet, there might be a week long start up time.

Got it, thanks for the clarification! If I don't receive any NEOXAG within the next 1-2 nights, I'll let you know.