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RE: Neoxian City weekly paper - 2024-03-10

I appreciate your previous support, but being new to your Discord, things did not turn out as I expected, and I do not understand why. It seems the language barrier led to a misunderstanding.

Recently, I experienced a misunderstanding on Discord because I didn't read the rules; I want to clarify that it wasn't intentional. I've tried to explain this situation, but unfortunately, I was removed from your Discord, and I've noticed that my latest posts have been negatively voted on, significantly impacting the effort I've put into Hive.

I would like to understand what specific actions led to this reaction so I can learn from this experience and avoid future misunderstandings. I've always valued and practiced mutual respect within the Hive community, and I make an effort to treat everyone with consideration and expect the same in return. I don't understand how my request for mutual respect or my questions could have led to such a negative response. I never imagined that a simple inquiry could undermine my efforts on this platform.

I appreciate any clarification or guidance you can provide to help resolve this situation and continue contributing positively to the Hive community.

 3 months ago  

When you visit a strangers house, do you ask "where is the food I want to eat?" without introducing yourself, no you wouldn't. Coming into my discord and immediately asking about how to promote your posts is the same. It's rude and greedy.
You ask for mutual respect. Well respect is earned, and you have not earned mine at all. Also I don't need any lectures from you on how to act.
Try adopting a little humility and manners and perhaps you'll have better results on this platform.