First impressions of DeBank

in The City of Neoxian6 months ago

Hello all, let me tell you about an interesting new platform I joined:

I believe it started out as a site to aggregate your Ethereum based holdings, but they have also bolted on a social media platform.

My account there is:

Is anyone here on this platform? If so, feel free to give me a follow and I can follow back and all that good stuff.

What I like about it:

Net worth matters:

Having a higher net worth on the platform is important and can garner you attention, and you might do better. Since I tend to have a high net worth, I tend to to like this sort of thing.

TVF - Total Value of Followers

Speaking of net worth, having lots of followers is important, but also having lots of Higher Networth of followers is important. A big whale can crank up your TVF.

Hi offer price: get paid to receive DMs !!!

The platform has something called a "Hi offer price". This is the price that you can set, to receive that amount if someone wants to chat with you. If you are already following that person, then it's free, but otherwise they have to pay.
This is fantastic, that's right, if you want to talk to me, you have to pay. It's great for anti-spam.

You can earn money on the platform

I see parallels with Hive on this platform, you can earn some money just by commenting on certain posts that have a reward. People with some extra money to burn can add a money reward to garner attention, and it works well.

Trust system

On the platform you have a trust rating. When people upvote your posts and comments, this increases your trust rating. This doesn't directly earn you money like in Hive, but I believe that it can indirectly help you earn larger portions of the rewarded posts.


What's the point of all I listed above? Ultimately it helps give the system resistance to bots, at least, in theory.

All your Ethereum and similar tokens in one place!

I have invested in coins on a multitude of different platforms, but I can see them all neatly in one place, where before I would have to log on to 6 or 7 different sites to view each one, and that's pretty cool.


I should mention a few bad sides of the platforn as well. It's not perfect.

Getting your ID is expensive: 96$

If you want a proper name and ID on the system. It costs 96$ right now. Not sure why it costs this much. It would be better if it was cheaper. I thought the platform was interesting enough I went ahead and got it, but not everyone is a big dragon like me.

You can use the platform without this ID, but you will just look like a generic ethereum address, and that's no fun.

Platform still has a lot of crypto spam!

There is a lot of "trust for trust" and "follow for follow" spam. And surprisingly, some whales and/or people with high TVF pimping out very questionable crypto schemes, things that look like pyramid schemes and possibly out-right scams. Yea, hopefully this sort of thing can improve with time.

Rumors of an airdrop

Not even sure if this is true, but there are rumors that DeBank might do an airdrop sometime, so a lot people are trying to get their numbers up there, hoping to garner more drop.

Personally I do hope there is a drop, not because I need the money, but because it may mean that DeBank will get a proper blockchain with a token and become more decentralized, which is always a good thing.


DeBank has some pretty interesting ideas which solve some of the same problems that Hive tries to solve. Hive is a better platform in terms of being a true decentralized system, but I do think that DeBank is at least better then Twitter (X). So check it out!

Posted using Neoxian City


$96 price barrier is definetely a hindrance but make it resistant from antibot spam.

Interesting, I haven't been to Debank in a while and I didn't know it had this social aspect. I have to update myself.

This is a good one, but I think will just take some time to attain that high place and get followers also. Thanks for sharing

Our Very own Upgraded Version of Twitter (X), The Account Opening Fee seems to be pretty much though, but I love all the features and Benefits attached to it.
Thanks for sharing this Boss @neoxian❤️
Will definitely try it out soon

Posted using Neoxian City

I've been trying to remember the name of this platform for a while now, I would need to check out myself and see how it works. Thank you sir for sharing this information.

Posted using Neoxian City

From what I was able to read from your information, DeBank also seems interesting with future growth prospects. I should go take a look and maybe enter it. Thanks for the information

Wow this is impressive and seem like a great place to be, although I tried to sign-up the day you were talking about it on the discord channel,but have facing issues like not having enough assets and inability to chat, because I saw and tried to message you.

But know I know why, I'll work on all the lapses I faced and try again.

Excellent overview. It's probably not for me, but I see how it might be useful for some users. I like that the former bank of Neoxian has become a debanker. Bank of Neoxian has always been a debanker. !LOLZ

Did you hear the one about the giant pickle?
He was kind of a big dill.

Credit: reddit
@neoxian, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of ironshield

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP

Having a higher net worth on the platform is important and can garner you attention, and you might do better. Since I tend to have a high net worth, I tend to to like this sort of thing.


Oh ETH based... it's only for those who have the $$$ to burn, or something. Haha. Good luck on the new platform.

 6 months ago  

Well it doesn't cost gas fees to interact on the platform, if that's what you meant.

Ah I see... so is it better than Publish0x?

 6 months ago  

Hmm, not sure which one is better, they both have ups and downs.

Ok thanks for the insight.

Hmm interesting thanks for sharing sir, will explore more later.

!giphy this is good

I think they also included streaming 1-2 months ago. I wanted to join in but wasn't sure of its PROs and CONs. Thanks for clarifying those for us!

Nice to know about debank. Thanks for sharing

I just followed your account. I've known debank for some time now - very useful when scanning a wallet. I've only minted about 5 badges on their platform. Still contemplating on getting an id, It's too expensive. It could be used as an important criteria for airdrop if they decide to launch a token in the future.

I heard of Debank a while ago, but the high price for the id put me off a bit, But i'd give it a try now that i know i can atleast still use it without paying for ID

It is a new opportunity to know where we can increase our savings thanks to DeBank

$96 is really a huge barrier because not all can actually afford that money

Is it more like connecting with web3 users just like Twitter allow us connect with Web2 users? But with a difference of earning program through the process?

 6 months ago  

Yes that could be a good way to describe it.

I think I get it now, Thanks Alot sir!

Many thanks for the post. I've used de bank to scan my wallets before but never delved into it. Thanks for the explanation. Looks interesting.

Is this site just displaying your holdings or have you transferred all of your crypto to debank?

 6 months ago  

I hold vastly more then what you can see on that site. I could flex and put more on there, but I'm not sure that's wise.

I wasn't doubting your net worth :p
Just worried about having it all in one place with all of the hacks and such

 6 months ago  

DeBank doesn't hold any of your money. It's just peeking at your Ethereum address and the other chains using that address.

Ohh, thats smart and good! :D


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Do you have a number how old the platform is? Some people have a lot of followers already.

 6 months ago  

Not sure, probably about a year?

Whale Mecca, did you find Marky already?

👍 ❤️ Upvoted ❤️ 👍

Hi @neoxian, I am reaching out to you to ask for a witness vote, if you have a spare one. I am now running a witness node, on my private server, hosted here in Adelaide.

Would be great to have your support.

Posted using Neoxian City

hello everyone wherever you are, I am a new player here, and I am very ready to give my best here, and keep the neoxian spirit and remain the best

Interesting, I would like to know more about the project.