The Bank of Neoxian - 2022-3-04

in The City of Neoxian2 years ago

The Bank of Neoxian - 2022-3-04

The Bank of Neoxian shall loan the sum of 0.1096 BTC to @chronocrypto.
He promises to repay 0.11919 BTC in four months time. (8.75% interest)

Bank shall pay @chronocrypto at his BTC address 17iPmfrCuLdAEDdxkQ8AcEKebmPm3apq9Q.

@chronocrypto shall offer up, as collateral, roughly 5500 USD worth of splinterlands cards to be held in @chrono.hold. Cards will be delegated back to borrower for the duration of the loan while the loan is being paid back in good faith.

Collateral is returned upon successful completion of loan.

Please sign below…

(picture found on Reddit)


and so it shall be !

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's awesome.

This is a big loan. Congratulations @chronocrypto

Congratulations @chronocrypto for opportunity to get such a big loan

I appreciate you @chronocrypto

Wowww, that's a good one.
Congratulations @chronocrypto .

I mean @neoxian ....Are we able to do some loans?

 2 years ago  

Yes I give loans sometimes.

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Congratulations both sides!

Congratulations, @theguruasia You Successfully Shared 0.200 WINEX With @neoxian.
You Earned 0.200 WINEX As Curation Reward.
You Utilized 2/3 Successful Calls.


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That's a great loan

wow the photography is so cool thank you for sharing

This is a test. Neo test.

8.75% Return in 4 months is a great return!!