Cycling in the city: Dangers Cyclist face

in Cyclinglast month

Hello, Hivers hope you all are having a splendid day, some if not most of us can relate to how tough it is riding in a busy city and how dangerous it could be for cyclist.

So today I cycled to school, which I haven't done in a long time, and almost got involved in an accident which made me realize that cyclists face lots of dangers, I'm thankful nothing happened to me but I would like to educate us on some of the dangers cyclist face on the roads and how we can all tackle those dangers and ride safely 👌

Dangers Cyclists face

  1. Motorist errors:Turning without checking for cyclists in blind spots or failing to yield can cause dangers to a cyclist or opening car doors without checking for approaching cyclists

  2. Poor road conditions: Potholes and uneven surfaces causing bike tires to lose control and debris like glass, rocks, or trash causing punctures or accidents even Inadequate bike lanes or lack of designated cycling areas.

  3. Visibility issues: Low light conditions, especially at night endanger cyclists and Cyclists wearing dark clothing, making them see

  4. Aggressive driving: Close trailing or honking at cyclists to intimidate or hurry them, passing too closely or cutting off cyclists, and yelling or throwing objects at cyclist

  5. Cycling infrastructure:Inadequate bike lanes or lack of designated cycling areas and lack of bike-friendly roads or bike paths

  6. Pedestrian errors:Stepping into bike paths without looking or checking for cyclists and not yielding to cyclists at crosswalks or intersections

  7. Cycling while distracted: Using phones or listening to music while riding and not paying attention to the road or surroundings

  8. Lack of safety gear: Not wearing helmets, increasing the risk of head injury and not using reflective gear or lights, reducing visibility

These dangers can be avoided by the following ways

  1. Motorist errors: Educate drivers about cyclist safety and awareness

  2. Poor road conditions: This mainly lies in the hands of our government but we have a part to play by reporting potholes and debris to local authorities and advocating for regular road maintenance and bike lane cleaning also consider using alternative routes that are safer despite how it might make your journey lengthy.

  3. Visibility issues: Cyclist can address this issue by wearing bright and reflective clothing, use front and rear lights, especially at night, and add reflective stickers or tape to your bike.

  4. Aggressive driving: Stay calm avoid engaging with aggressive drivers and report incidents to authorities.

  5. Cycling infrastructure: Advocate for bike-friendly infrastructure in your community and support local cycling organizations and initiatives.

  6. Pedestrian errors: Educate pedestrians about cyclist safety and awareness and use a bell or horn to alert pedestrians of your approach. Also, be patient and yield to pedestrians when necessary.

  7. Cycling while distracted: Put away your phone and other distractions while riding and stay focused on the road and your surroundings. Always take regular breaks to rest and rehydrate.

  8. Lack of safety gear: Always wear a helmet consider additional gear like knee pads and ensure your bike is in good working condition. Also, consider taking a bike safety course.

Additionally, consider the following general tips

  1. Follow traffic laws and regulations
  2. Be predictable and visible on the road
  3. Stay alert and aware of your surroundings
  4. Use hand signals to communicate with other road users
  5. Consider joining a local cycling group or club for support and resources

Remember, safety is a shared responsibility between cyclists, motorists, pedestrians, and infrastructure providers. By working together, we can reduce the risks and make our roads safer for everyone.


Your writing is quite interesting.
Thanks for letting us the cyclist know the dangers we faced.

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