
This isn't really a Democrat/Republican thing. Since the beginning (or close enough), taxes for social security have gone to buy treasuries (debt) so the tax revenue ends up going straight into the general fund and gets spent on whatever democrats and/or republican decide. This is no burden provided social security takes in more in taxes than it pays out. The problems come when that stops being the case (which happened in 2021). Neither Democrats nor Republicans have done anything to address this issue which has been looming for decades. When you or I buy a treasury it might be an "investment" but when the government buys them from itself it doesn't quite work out the same.

in any case, the Social Security trust fund will be depleted by 2034 if nothing changes. Options are increase taxes and/or reduce benefits. So expect a half-assed plan around 2033.

Bill is always for folks!

Contenido de gran calidad, considero que usted es una persona de alto nivel, continue hacia adelante.. saludos.