Daily Blog - Claiming our free chocolate but spending more than we thought we would. / Reclamando nuestro chocolate gratis pero gastando más de lo que pensábamos. 😅❤️

in Daily Blog2 months ago

In one of my economics classes in college I learned that in marketing the surprise factor is something that is highly valued by customers and that in most cases, leaves them happier with the whole service. This can be observed every time a place includes something for free that we didn't count on, besides the fact that we all like to receive gifts. In the last trip to Ushuaia we had the surprise factor after visiting the Tren del Fin del Mundo, when the entrance ticket included a free chocolate. But, after having gone to claim it, my final conclusion was that the real strategy was that we were going to consume something else because that is what ended up happening 😅.

En una de mis clases de economía de la facultad aprendí que en marketing el factor sorpresa es algo muy valorado por los clientes y que en la mayoría de los casos, los dejan más contentos con todo el servicio. Esto se puede observar cada vez que en algún lugar se incluye algo gratis con lo que no contábamos, además de que a todos nos gusta recibir regalos. En el último viaje a Ushuaia el factor sorpresa lo tuvimos después de visitar el Tren del Fin del Mundo, cuando con el ticket de acceso nos incluyeron un chocolate gratis. Pero, después de haber ido a reclamarlo, mi conclusión final fue que la estrategia verdadera era que vayamos a consumir algo más porque eso fue lo que terminó pasando 😅.

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Although I took the End of the World Train ride alone, as the days went by I met more guests who also took the ride. One of them became a good friend, a walking companion, and one afternoon we decided to go with him to claim our "gift". It was a consumption of hot chocolate in a store downtown, something very convenient given the cold weather in the southernmost city of my country and the world 😅.

Si bien el paseo en el Tren del Fin del Mundo lo hice sola, con el pasar de los días fui conociendo a más huéspedes que también lo hicieron. Uno de ellos se volvió un buen amigo, compañero de caminatas, con el que una tarde decidimos ir a reclamar nuestro "regalo". Se trataba de una consumición de chocolate caliente en una tienda del centro de la ciudad, algo muy conveniente dado el frío que hacía en la ciudad más austral de mi país y del mundo 😅.


This free drink was a small cup of chocolate, and we were not the only tourists who had been lured there for that. The thing was, when we were there, we realized that this would not be enough to cover our snack and were immediately tempted to eat something else. On the menu, the prices were pretty good for the expensive location it is (considering an exchange rate of $1=1000 ARS). There was even the option to pay a little more to have the "free" consumption turned into a bigger cup of chocolate, which is what everyone surely does 😂.

Esta consumición gratis era una pequeña taza de chocolate, y no éramos los únicos turistas que habían sido atraídos hasta ahí por eso. El tema fue que cuando estábamos ahí, nos dimos cuenta de que eso no sería suficiente para cubrir nuestra merienda e inmediatamente fuimos tentados a comer algo más. En el menú, los precios estaban bastante bien para ser la localidad cara que es (considerando un cambio de $1=1000 ARS). Incluso estaba la opción de pagar un poco más para que la consumición "gratis" se transforme en una taza de chocolate más grande, que es lo que seguramente hace todo el mundo 😂.


Finally, we ended up opting for larger cups and a slice of chocolate, cream and peanut cake. Unlike other places where they want to sell you everything, the waitress at this coffee shop recommended us to buy only one slice of cake because "it was too big", and we listened to her. However, my snacking partner was as much of a chocolate fanatic as I was, so that was not enough and we ended up buying another one to satisfy our gluttony 😅.

Finalmente, terminamos optando por unas tazas más grandes y por una porción de torta de chocolate, crema y maní. A diferencia de otros locales en los que quieren venderte todo, la mesera de esta cafetería nos recomendó comprar solo una porción de torta porque "era muy grande", y le hicimos caso. Sin embargo, mi compañero de merienda era tan fanático del chocolate como yo así que eso no fue suficiente y terminamos por comprar otra más para terminar de satisfacer nuestra gula 😅.


In addition to being a coffee shop, the place also sold a few things to take home as souvenirs. As the city of Ushuaia is quite close to the port, there were many canned seafood and those things that I don't like. These jars might have been a bit expensive, but they were a bit out of our snack idea, although it was interesting to see them because in Buenos Aires you don't get things like this so much 😅.

Además de ser cafetería, el local también vendía algunas cosas como para llevar de recuerdo a casa. Como la ciudad de Ushuaia está bastante cerca del puerto, habían muchas conservas de frutos del mar y esas cosas que no me gustan. Estos frascos quizás tenían precios algo elevados, pero se escapaban de nuestra idea de merienda, aunque fue interesante verlos porque en Buenos Aires no se consiguen tanto cosas como estas 😅.


Finally, at the snack for our "free chocolate", we ended up paying 7600 ARS ($7.6) between the two of us, plus a little extra for tips. I don't know who must have come up with the idea of attracting tourists on the train to consume at that bar, but it definitely worked. I didn't go out much to coffee shops or ice cream parlors on this trip, but I was very pleased to have visited this one while spending some quality time with my new friend. And the marketing wow factor worked perfect in this case 😃.

Finalmente, en la merienda por nuestro "chocolate gratis", terminamos pagando 7600 ARS ($7.6) entre los dos, más algo extra por las propinas. No sé quién habrá pensado en la idea de atraer a los turistas del tren para que consuman en ese bar, pero definitivamente funcionó. En este viaje no salí mucho a cafeterías o heladerías, pero me gustó mucho haber visitado esta mientras pasaba un rato agradable con mi nuevo amigo. Y el factor sorpresa de marketing funcionó perfecto en este caso 😃.

❤️ Hope you liked this post! Thanks for reading. ❤️

❤️¡Espero que les haya gustado este post! Gracias por leer. ❤️

With lots of love. / Con mucho amor.
Lau 💕.

📸 Cover created with Canva. All the images are my property 💕.
📸 Portada creada en Canva. Todas las imágenes son de mi propiedad 💕.


Even free thing turned into expensive thing..that was their real strategy 😂
It's true that we all run for "Free ". I am sure if I would be there I will also do the same to consume that chocolate 😜.

We were tricked into consuming more. But I'm not complaining, everything was delicious ❣️.

Saludos amiga, creo que yo también pediría una porción para mi sola,.esa combinación de chocolate y mani me fascina y más si hace frío.

Tal como dices la estrategia de la taza de chocolate gratis funcionó a su cabalidad, pues con fío un poco no basta.

Feliz fin de semana

Hola Gladymar. Si, definitivamente fue el anzuelo perfecto para engancharnos a consumir más jaja. Pero lo disfrutamos. ¡Saludos 💕!

How great that you received that gift for free, it is a good strategy for people to visit the bar, given that it is very common for people to end up consuming something else when visiting the place @lauramica

Absolutely, that's exactly what happened 😅.

Hello dear friend @lauramica good morning
Without a doubt, when you are a customer, seeing yourself surprised in a business is great, and that speaks highly of the establishment.
I didn't know that this service existed attached to the train ride, what a great idea.
What a great idea it is to have gone to claim your gift in the company of your friend, although the same thing always happens, one ends up spending more when faced with exquisite products.
It makes me very happy to know that you are having a great time on your adventures.

Thank you very much Luis! I can't complain too much because everything was delicious. Surely if they hadn't given me that free chocolate I would never have gone for a snack. It was a great ride. Thanks for your visit 💕.

Like this coffee shop provides delicious coffee and a comfortable atmosphere also in a good place especially fun shopping goods by by for home is very exciting

Always healthy, brother @lauramica hopefully fun always

Here is still with the atmosphere of Eid is there with brother @lauramica

Hello :) Yes, the place was very nice. I was glad I went there. Everything was delicious indeed ❣️.

Glad it wasn't a rip off. Economics and psychology 😂🤣

Hahahah no, it was not a scam! Just a good hook 😅.

😂 Nice one then.

Wow, your Ushuaia travel story is really exciting! The surprise factor in service can indeed make the customer experience more enjoyable. As in the case of Tren del Fin del Mundo's entrance ticket that includes free chocolate, it definitely makes your visit more special, even if you end up being tempted to try other food or drinks.

It was a good way to invite us to get to know that coffee shop. I don't regret it 😅.

Un marketing excelente, te atraparon con la carnada y cuando ya estas allí terminas decidiendo acompañar la bebida con alguna otra cosa dulce, agrandar el pedido jajaj lo hicieron realmente bien sumado a que para la zona tienen excelentes precios uno pensaría que te vana romper la cabeza con cualquier cosa.

Si, la verdad. Es una buena estrategia de marketing. Y la verdad que no era tan caro, valió la pena el paseo :D

A great daily blog, I love daily blogs.

Thank you!