Another fun afternoon in the company of my grandmother (ShadowHunters)

Hola hivers, seguidores de esta maravillosa ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  Ustedes no tienen idea como me gusta participar de este hermoso ¨ShadowHuntersContest¨:  de la Señora @melinda010100, jamás pensé que buscar o hacer figuras de sombras sería tan divertida. Con mi abuela Gaby hacemos un equipo, yo formo una figura en la pared y ella se ocupa de hacer las fotografías

Source: Family Álbum

Hello hivers, followers of this wonderful ¨ShadowHuntersCommunity¨:  You have no idea how I like to participate in this beautiful ¨ ShadowHuntersContest¨:  from Mrs. @melinda010100, I never thought that searching for or making shadow figures would be so much fun. With my grandmother Gaby we make a team, I form a figure on the wall and she takes care of taking the photographs

Ayer en la tarde antes de prepararnos para ir a dormir, con mi abuela vimos lo raro que estaba el cielo, y a sugerencia mía busco su teléfono e hizo estas fotografías. En ese momento pensamos con mi abuela que hoy amanecería lloviendo

Source: Family Álbum

Yesterday afternoon before getting ready to go to sleep, my grandmother and I saw how strange the sky was, and at my suggestion she looked for her phone and took these photographs. At that moment we thought with my grandmother that today it would rain at dawn

Por suerte durante la noche algo cambio, y hoy amaneció un hermoso día soleado, aunque un poco fresco, aun así no nos impidió que pudieras ir a la ciudad y pasar un rato por este hermoso parque que tiene unos juegos muy hermosos. Cada vez que vamos a la ciudad, y estamos cerca de aquí, mi abuela me trae para que juegue un rato en los juegos

Source: Family Álbum

Luckily during the night something changed, and today a beautiful sunny day dawned, although a little cool, it still didn't prevent us from going to the city and spending some time in this beautiful park which has some very beautiful games. Every time we go to the city, and we are close to here, my grandmother brings me to play the games for a while

Al regresar de la ciudad se nos hizo un poco tarde, y no pudimos hacer las fotografías para que participe del concurso de sombras, pero a primera hora de la tarde preparamos estas hermosas fotografías, de algunas cosas y unas figuras que forme en la sombra

Source: Family Álbum

When we returned from the city we were a little late, and we couldn't take the photographs to participate in the shadow contest, but early in the afternoon we prepared these beautiful photographs, of some things and some figures that I form in the shadow

Mi abuela tomo su ¨teléfono¨ ¨móvil¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ para fotografiar mis travesuras, mientras me divierto haciendo estas sombras en la pared de casa, también fue con el mismo teléfono que hizo las fotografías del parque y las de ayer por la tarde

Source: Family Álbum

My grandmother took her ¨phone¨ ¨mobile¨ ¨Motoe7plus¨ to photograph my antics, while I am having fun making these shadows on the wall at home, it was also with the same phone that she took the photographs from the park and those from yesterday afternoon


Source: Family Álbum


What beautiful photographs you have taken with your grandmother, you can see that they have a lot of fun making shadows

It's true we had a great time in the company of my grandmother, I really enjoyed taking shadow photographs with her.

Hermoso cielo y esas sombras son geniales!!! Gracias @miprimerconcurso 😃

The color of the sky was a little strange, as if indicating that it would rain at night, luckily it didn't, and we were able to go out to take these photographs with my grandmother.
thank you very much @ avdesing

Tu abuela una divina, sigan disfrutando juntas!

Shadow hunting with your grandmother is a very special activity for the two of you to do together!


Hello lady @ melinda010100, yes doing shadow photography with my grandmother Gaby is very special and we have a lot of fun

Those are some pretty photos, @miprimerconcurso ❤️

Yes, my grandmother takes beautiful photographs, we also have a good time together.
Thank you very much @ bloghound

It is a nice moment you share with the community.
These photos look great
I guess your Grand mother took these photos
Greeting to your Grand mother
Have a nice end of week

Hello @oadissin
The photographs were taken by my grandmother, until my phone is delivered to me from the technical service, she is the one who will take the photographs.
Thank you so much