in Literatos16 days ago



No sabía que venías
me ha tomado de sorpresa tu visita
pero ya que estás aquí
quiero decirte, lo que nunca te dije
lo que nunca me atreví a decirte
mirándote a los ojos
porque tenía miedo de tu desdén
tenía miedo de mí
de mi yo interno.

Hoy me siento menos asustado que ayer
hizo bien el haberte alejado
porque me diste tiempo para sentir
para pensarte a cada instante
a extrañarte y a esperarte
pero llegaste y aquí estoy
espernado para abrazarte
y aun no puedo pero te amo.

He sido siempre tu carnada
esa que llena tus deseos que veo en tu mirada
y que se clava en mi pecho
como un anzuelo en la boca del pez
que siempre estuvo allí
esperando para caer en tu naza
y ser preso de tus deseos.

Quiero decirte, que te amo.



I didn't know you were coming
Your visit took me by surprise
but since you are here
I want to tell you, what I never told you
what I never dared to tell you
looking into your eyes
because I was afraid of your disdain
he was afraid of me
of my inner self.

Today I feel less scared than yesterday
it was good to have left you
because you gave me time to feel
to think of you at every moment
to miss you and wait for you
but you came and here I am
waiting to hug you
And I still can't but I love you.

I have always been your bait
the one that fills your desires that I see in your eyes
and she digs into my chest
like a hook in the fish's mouth
that was always there
waiting to fall into your naza
and be a prisoner of your desires.

I want to tell you that I love you.




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