The Eternal Standstill | The Tartar Steppe Book Review

in Hive Book Club2 months ago

Hello, book lovers! I have a wonderful new read to share with you that I just finished yesterday. The Tartar Steppe, written by Italian writer Dino Buzzati, is a story about the consequences of living in a perpetual state of waiting for something to happen, while the weight of the current, status quo situation presses upon us and slowly separates us from reality.


Giovanni Drogo, a young officer, sets off on his first assignment - service at the remote, mysterious fortress of Bastiani in the mountains, on the border with the northern lands across the Tartar Desert. These two names are the only clues we have about the spatio-temporal framework in which the action takes place. Therefore, this story is not historical but universal and almost fairy-tale-like. It's de-realized, eccentric and absurd. But through this unusual, secluded setting the author created the perfect spot to explore the big questions like fear of death and passing time and the meaning of life.

The journey from the city to the fortress goes through the vast gorges and is like crossing from one world to another, from childhood to adulthood. Drogo's illusions about the fortress are shattered soon after the first encounter, but the desire to return is opposed by something ineffable that draws him to stay.

"But it seemed as if Drogo’s existence had come to a halt. The same day, the same things, had repeated themselves hundreds of times without taking a step forward. The river of time flowed over the Fort, crumbled the walls, swept down dust and fragments of stone, wore away the stairs and the chain, but over Drogo it passed in vain- it had not yet succeeded in catching him, bearing him with it as it flowed.”

Military life at the outpost is extremely monotonous - the guards march in the same rhythm along the ramparts, staring at the horizon, anticipating an attack from the tribes of the northern lands. Days, one like the other, pass like a river, quietly and imperceptibly. And before the soldier realizes it, years have passed, and their life makes less and less sense.

The vision of heroism that the soldier would experience when the enemy finally appears over the horizon keeps them awake and believing that their sacrifice is not in vain. Every spot or movement in the distance is like a mirage in their eyes.

Should one stubbornly stick to the chosen path, persist even when everything seems futile? How far does our inexhaustible youth reach? And can a person return to their old life, old friends, as if nothing had happened, and pick up where they left off, after being displaced and changed like this? Because exile from the world alienates a person, they can no longer identify with those who remained on the other side.


"What a terrible mistake, thought Drogo, perhaps everything is like that -- we think there are beings like ourselves around us and instead there is nothing but ice and stones speaking a strange language; we are on the point of greeting a friend but our arm falls inert, the smile dies away because we are completely alone.

By going to the fortress, one stream of life is interrupted and enters a state where nothing happens, everything is frozen except time, which inevitably flows. Giovanni Drogo is a wake-up call to all of us. Recommendation for this beautiful story.

4.5/5 stars


This book is intriguing and it portrays how is time is precious and not still. It is also a reminder of the consequences for waiting for life to happen while time slips by. I like the journey of Giovanni Drogo from hope to disillusionment and with all the strong themes that were explore in this book is definitely worth reading by everyone, a wake up call like you said. I will check it out. Thank you for sharing this book. I enjoyed reading your review.

This book reminds of importance of self-reflection - are we doing what we want or fulfilling expectations of others, are we happy with what are doing, are we enjoying the moment, are we living our purpose... It's both depressing and inspiring. And it's written in a beautiful language. Thanks for checking out the review! :)


Seems like an interesting and thought provoking plot...

I'll surely check it out 🙂

Hope you enjoy if you do. :)