My Favorite Japanese Picture Book 私の好きな日本の絵本 [English and Japanese]

in Hive Book Clublast month


My Favorite Japanese Picture Book

One of my favorite Japanese picture books is "Hanasakiyama - Flowering Mountain," written by Saito Ryusuke and illustrated by Takidaira Jiro. I admire Saito Ryusuke's storytelling, and Takidaira Jiro's artwork is truly captivating. As a cut-paper artist myself, I draw immense inspiration from Takidaira Jiro's work, particularly his woodcut prints.

I began reading picture books by myself when I was around 2 and a half or 3 years old, but, I was only pretending to read at the time. Over the years, as I gained a deeper understanding of writing systems, my love for reading grew. I was drawn to the rich narratives in Saito and Takidaira's collaborations.

Their partnership is truly remarkable. The seamless integration of story and artwork in their books is incredibly impactful. Many of their stories leave a lasting impression, characterized by vivid imagery and profound themes. "Hanasakiyama - Flowering Mountain" is no exception, with its poignant and gentle narrative that delves into profound depths.

During a recent trip back to Japan, I rediscovered this cherished picture book. However, instead of keeping it for myself, I decided to donate it to someone who shares my passion for reading. As a tribute to this beloved book, I've chosen to write about its story in a memorial blog post.


I love the front cover. The title pops up against a black background. The girl, Aya, is the main character of this picture book. I adore the flower patterns on her kimono dress and in her hair. She appears a little bit sad on this front cover.


When I turned the page, the image of the old lady Yamanba (a mountain hag) shocked me, and I've never forgotten it since. Surprisingly, Yamanba is not a frightening character at all. She possesses deep knowledge about our lives and the world around us. One day, when Aya gets lost in the mountains, she encounters Yamanba.


Yamanba told Aya that these beautiful flowers were created and bloomed by someone who tried so hard to stand something with their gentle mind. Aya was recently very patient with her younger sister. Yamanba showed her that a small red flower was created by Aya.


Aya was facing her initiation, I guess. Being patient is a very challenging task for almost everyone. However, through Aya's eyes, we notice that many beautiful flowers bloom through everyone's effort and gentleness.


This simple and beautiful picture and sentence left a profound impact on me. This morning's dew is actually someone's tear. There were times when I struggled with life, challenged to understand our society and the material world. This picture book somehow treated, healed, and comforted me.

Even now, after growing up, I sometimes find it difficult to read this book straight away. I need a quiet moment and a safe space to immerse myself in its delicate story.


This scene had a huge impact as well. Yamanba was explaining to Aya that there were many people who tried for others and the world. For instance, the giant man Hachiro Gata sacrificed himself to save people from tsunami waves. Hachiro Gata is the actual name of a lake in Japan. This story provided me with insight into the history of tsunamis and natural disasters.


This is the last page of the picture book. I read the author's afterword many times, which contains a beautiful message from the author to future children. There is hope and a strong message about peace conveyed through the explanation of Japanese culture and nature.

The author also mentioned the concept of 'Kenage' (健気), a Japanese word that doesn't have a direct translation in English. Kenage describes individuals who persevere despite facing difficulties, embodying traits of hard work and patience. I believe Aya is a symbol of Kenage.

I noticed that I had written my signature on the left side of this page, which I edited out for this blog. I'm not entirely sure why I wrote my name on this page. Perhaps I felt the need to internalize some lessons from this book, as Japanese students often write their names in their books. Or maybe I simply liked this book. Interestingly, my favorite Japanese subject teacher also admired this author and artist. Somehow, I felt proud of owning this book. Anyway, I truly appreciate this book.


If I open the book widely like this, you can see the whole beautiful artwork. Aya's hair is floating in the air. Interestingly, after reading this book, Aya's face on the front cover no longer looks sad. She exudes confidence after completing her journey. Similarly, the reader gains confidence after immersing themselves in the story. I wonder if I graduated from this picture book this time I guess.

Japanese 日本語
















この素朴で美しい絵と文章はかなり印象深かったのを覚えています。 花の上に落ちたこの朝露は、誰かさんの我慢の涙です。人は人生につまづいてしまった時、社会や物質世界での暮らしがどうしていいかわからなくなってしまうほど何かを見失ってしまうこともあるのではないでしょうか。そんな時、この絵本が自分を優しく治癒してくれて心地よさを取り戻させてくれるような気がしていました。











Thank you for reading!



Nice Picture ❤️
Keep up the good work 👍🏼

Thank you so much!




I like how you describe the beauty and impact of Takidaira Jiro's illustrations, which inspire you as a cut-paper artist. The way you describe your emotional connection to the book, how it has comforted you and taught you valuable lessons about patience, sacrifice and hope, is really touching. It is clear that this book has left a lasting impression on you over the years. ❤️

Thank you so much for your kind comment! Yes, Mr. Takidaira's artwork has inspired me a lot. His artwork is full of love and respect for nature, animals, and human life. I hope someone will find my book at a second-hand store and be able to read it with their parents or loved ones someday soon!