There are books that can be read not once, but twice and even dozens of times, and every time you'll get something new, something more, something useful exactly for you.

This book is one of them.
It's an international bestselling spiritual book.
Eckhart Tolle, the author, demonstrates how to live a healthier, happier, mindful life by living in the present moment.

Where do you live, guys?
I don't mean geographical position. I mean TIME.
We don't pay attention and don't notice but most of time we live either in the past thinking of our mistakes, worries and problems, or in future again worrying about possible problems and negative situations.
Either Past or Future.
95% of time.

very seldom and for a very short moment we can live NOW at the moment.
It can be great fear, danger, surprise, shock, happiness, but as a rule it's a short moment when we forget Past and Future, and live NOW. All the rest of time we are anywhere but not at the moment.

But our life can be ONLY NOW. There is no life in the past, because it's gone, there is no life in future, because it hasn't come still.
Life can be only Now, and not living now we miss this life....
We spend it for worries about future and past, and miss the current moment.

This book was my door to the thinking of it.
I felt it early but this book gave words and descriptions to my feelings, thus they've become more clear and vivid.

I read this book about a month ago.
And NOW I am reading it again.
The first time was so touching for me, so shocking that I could miss important moments, and so I decided ti reread it.

It's kind of a book that can be reread as many times as you want, and any time it will bring you back to NOW.

This book opens the truth about our Brain that is a powerful machine but it doesn't work for the better moment of Now as a rule. That's why we have to teach ourselves to be masters of our brains and make it be silent when we need to feel THIS moment of NOW.

Can you make your brain shut up and stop this endless circle of thoughts and worries?
I think it's the best and most necessary skill in this life.
It's so hard to get it, yeah?

But this book helps us to do it.

I'm so peaceful reading it that I thank the author and Universe for this feeling that can be hardly reached sometimes even in meditations.
The essence of things we get from this book can open our eyes on our life and make us LIVE NOW not to miss our life forever...

Have you read it, guys?


Wow thank you so much for sharing
I think it's a book I need to read
I will search for it

I'm so glad if I can share useful knowledge!

The power of now is a book I read every now and then. I find it so calming when reading that book.

oh so you know what I mean telling about it...
yeah VERY calming! and that's why charming