Don't Toss Those Seeds: Savory Baked Pumpkin Seeds

Ever noticed those tiny treasures nestled within the gooey insides of a freshly carved pumpkin? Yep, those seeds. They might seem insignificant amidst the messy pumpkin-carving affair, but hold on before discarding them!

Baking pumpkin seeds is a delightful culinary hack that transforms these often overlooked seeds into a crunchy, savory snack. It's a simple, yet surprisingly rewarding process that gives these seeds a new lease on life.

Once cleaned and dried, these seeds are poised for transformation. A drizzle of olive oil, a sprinkle of salt, and perhaps a dash of your favorite spices—these humble ingredients work wonders when baked to golden perfection. The result? A guilt-free, crispy snack that pairs beautifully with any occasion.

From elevating salads with an unexpected crunch to becoming a flavorful addition in soups, these baked pumpkin seeds offer versatility and taste in every bite. It's a fantastic way to make the most out of your pumpkin-carving adventure while reducing food waste.

I eat them the same as store-bought roasted pumpkin seeds - by tasting all the spices on it and removing the shell and eating the core. Some people eat the shell as well, however, I don't want to recommend it and wouldn't do it 😁

So, before you toss those seeds away, consider this simple recipe that turns kitchen scraps into a deliciously satisfying treat. With just a little effort, you'll find yourself enjoying a snack that's both resourceful and downright delightful.

You will need:
● 100 g. fresh pumpkin seeds (make sure they are grown enough and already has a seed in the core otherwise it will be just baked shells)
● 2 teaspoons of olive oil
● ½ teaspoon of salt
● ½ teaspoon of onion powder/granules
● ½ teaspoon of garlic powder
● ½ teaspoon of dried parsley
● ½ teaspoon of dried dill
● ¼ teaspoon of ground red pepper
● ¼ teaspoon of black pepper

1.Remove the seeds from the pumpkin flesh as it is possible - the next step will help to remove more of the flesh. You can use the leftover flesh in other recipes.

Soak the pumpkin seeds in warm water and keep for about 10-15 minutes or longer. This is not necessary but it helps to remove the pumpkin flesh if there is any left on the seeds.

2.Then remove the seeds from the water with your hands, removing any remaining parts of the pumpkin.

3.Dry the seeds with a paper or cloth towel. They don't have to be completely dry.

4.Mix the seeds with the olive oil and the spices.

5.Scatter the seeds on a baking sheet.

6.Bake for about 25 minutes. Mix them a bit after 10 minutes of baking to make sure all sides are crisp and roasted.

Leave to cool after baking, as they will be firmer when cool.



How delightfully YUM! Snap, crackle pop (hehe ❤️) 💕❤️💕🤗💕💕❤️❤️


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Hello, the truth is that they look appetizing. I have known to eat the heart, but the seed au naturel, perhaps with a little salt on top, however, this preparation baked with various spices makes them very provocative. Greetings, thanks for sharing your recipe.

Sure, they can be enjoyed simply with salt! But if you want something extra, I really loved this blend of spices all together 😁❤️ Thanks!

Yummy, this is a delicious way to consume pumpkin seeds.