Vegan Zucchini Rolls with Tofu Ricotta

In the world of plant-based cuisine, there's often a quest for dishes that not only taste delightful but also present beautifully on the plate. Enter the vegan zucchini rolls with tofu ricotta—a recipe that embodies simplicity, elegance, and flavorsome satisfaction. These rolls are a testament to how a few humble ingredients can transform into a dish fit for any occasion, be it a casual snack or a festive addition to your Christmas table.

Who might find themselves drawn to these zucchini rolls? They are an absolute delight for those seeking a light yet satisfying meal. Whether you're committed to a vegan lifestyle, exploring healthier food alternatives, or just someone who appreciates a dish that looks as good as it tastes, these rolls will certainly captivate your taste buds.

Their presentation alone is enough to impress, with each roll showcasing a perfect blend of green zucchini wrapped around a creamy tofu ricotta filling.

Crafting these zucchini rolls demands a bit of time and patience, but trust me, the end result is more than worth it. As you meticulously roll the zucchini slices around the flavorful tofu ricotta, there's a sense of artistry in the kitchen that culminates in a dish that's as visually stunning as it is delicious. And while these rolls might take some time to prepare, their versatility is undeniable—they can stand proudly as a centerpiece at your holiday table or serve as an elegant addition to a light, casual meal.

Imagine the exquisite taste of tender zucchini complementing the rich, creamy texture of the tofu ricotta, all delicately seasoned to perfection. Each bite offers a symphony of flavors and textures that will leave a lasting impression on your palate. These vegan zucchini rolls with tofu ricotta are a testament to the notion that plant-based dishes can be both elegant and immensely satisfying.

So, whether you're looking for a showstopper for your Christmas feast or simply craving a dish that marries simplicity with sophistication, these zucchini rolls are bound to leave a lasting impression. With their delicate appearance and delightful taste, they're certain to be a highlight of any meal, proving that sometimes, the most exquisite dishes come from the simplest ingredients.

You will need:
For about 4-5 servings
● 1 medium sized zucchini
● 2 tablespoons of olive oil (1 tablespoon for frying the garlic and onion and 1 tablespoon for spreading on the baking tray)
● 1 onion
● 2 garlic cloves
● 0,5 teaspoon of salt
● ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper
● 360 g. firm tofu
● 3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
● 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice
● 0,5 tablespoon of dried oregano
● 0,5 tablespoon of dried basil (or a handful of fresh)

For the tomato sauce:

● 2 tablespoons of olive oil
● 4 garlic cloves
● 2 cans of canned chopped tomatoes in their own juice, without salt (about 800 g. - there may be a little too much sauce, so it can be used later with pasta, pizza etc.)
● 1,5 tablespoons of dried basil or a handful of fresh basil
● 2 teaspoons of dried oregano
● ¼-0,5 teaspoon of salt (adjust to your taste)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.
    2.Fry the chopped onion and 2 garlic cloves in olive oil until transparent, set aside.
    3.Prepare the tomato sauce by frying 4 garlic cloves until they start to brown.

    Add the canned tomatoes, spices (basil, oregano) and salt to the pan. Roast for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly.

    Once cooked, leave to cool slightly and transfer to another bowl or food processor and blend until smooth. Taste to see if there is enough salt for your taste.

    4.Prepare the tofu ricotta - lightly crumble the tofu with your hands or a fork.

    Add the fried onion, garlic, all the spices (nutritional yeast, salt, pepper, lemon juice, oregano, basil) and use a food processor or hand blender to blend it to a smooth paste.

    5.Wash the zucchini and cut into thin strips (2-3mm thick) with a knife or potato peeler. Sprinkle them with salt and leave them for about 10 minutes to release the water.

    Then dry them with a paper or cloth towel.

    6.Grease a baking tray with a little oil and add about 2/3 of the tomato sauce. I used a 20x20cm tin.

    7.Place 2-3 teaspoons of tofu ricotta in each zucchini strip, scatter it over the strip and roll it up.

    8.Place the twisted strips on the baking tray on top of the tomato sauce.

    Spread the remaining sauce on top of the zucchini (if there is too much sauce, use it in other recipes).

    9.Bake for about 40 minutes and serve immediately after baking. Can be topped with nutritional yeast or fresh basil.



Thanks for the recipe, looks delicious

It looks really delicious and undoubtedly beautiful

Looks really amazing! congratulations 🎉🎉TOP

Wow that looks delicious! my mouth is watering!

APOTHEOUS WORK!... I say and believe that your recipes are very high quality work and your photos are among the best in food photography that I see on the #web3 (and believe me, I see tons of photos daily and of all kinds, I am an "addict")... Congratulations and thank you always for sharing!

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Oh my, thanks a million @jlinaresp !!!

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