Yesterday was ridiculous.

The magic doesn’t stop. Usually I don’t like to give a play by play of how my day went but because I want to record any kind of crazy synchronicty I experience, I think I need to write this somewhere. Yesterday was crazy.

I have countless strange “coincidences” all the time but three big ones in one day is a bit much.

On my way home I saw some very peculiar looking street performance. Two people were dressed in rags and ballons like silly monsters and they were making animal noises.

I remembered seeing them posted dancing on the train on social media by a stranger a few days earlier.

A friend was sitting in the square with her little blind adopted cat ans saw me staring at the performance with a baffled face. She called me over and explained that they were travelling street performers from Europe.

I had more a few classes starting 30 minutes later so I took a video and posted it to social media and left soon after.

A girl who I had met at a friends Italian bar (is that only a thing in Japan, wine bar + lots of italian food) about 2 weeks earlier replied and said she was in the square watching the same atranfe performance. She invited me to come hang out and dinner with her.

She had heard me speaking Mandarin and Japanese and since we shared three languages in common I guess she wanted to get to know me.

I told her I’d finish at 9 pm and I could meet her for a (non-alcoholic) drink. She told me she’s be with two friends and so I came and we chatted for a while.

The staff was clearly way too busy in the kitchen and so I went over to ask them if i could grab some coconut juice from the fridge myself.


The guy turned around and it was a friend who was cooking. I had no idea he worked there. He said it was just a part time thing twice a week. First little surprise, not a big one. It’s a very interconnected town so I don’t get too shocked by something like that.

Then the girl who invited me was telling her friends about a hat she tried to buy the day before at a flea market and a women grabbed it right as she was approaching the booth.

“Ah yeah it was red and green right?” I said.

She looked at me like she had seem a ghost “how the hell did you know that?”

“My girlfriend told me this same story”.

My girlfriend was selling her hats yesterday and told me about a girl who wanted a hat that had just been bought by someone else and was asking for similar ones.

Slightly bigger surprise.

So when I had asked my girlfriend if she wanted to come with us to meet someone I had met two weeks prior, I had no idea she had met her the day before.

Ok…a little freaky but life is like that.

Then some people my new friends knew came to the shop by chance (another tiny surprise) and sat at the table next to us.
One of the girls I knew because she had been hanging out with the guy who was cooking there, the guy I was surprised to see earlier.

I had met her three times or so I thought, at random events in town, a concert, the last flee market and on the street with that friend.

We talked a bit and she mentioned that she had come to Japan with her boyfriend but they had broken up.

“Ah, actually you know my boyfriend”


It couldn’t be the friend in the kitchen because I knew he was single when he came to Japan.

“You remember that tea event three stations away last year?”

I remembered sitting next to a couple and them being surprised that I spoke Chinese as a western guy in Japan (you’ll notice I make a lot of friends this way 🤣). She had done a total transformation, completely different style. So we had met 3 times already and didn’t realize we had met 4 times until that moment.

I recogize that all of this could be chocked up to the fact that I am part of a large but tightly knit community but when you consider how populated our area is, how frequently this kind of thing occurs and aome of the ridiculous circumstances in which they happen, it gets really silly really fast.

It becomes harder and harder to believe in such a thing as coincidence. I’m not going to pretend I know what the universe is trying to tell me but I have an inkling that synchronicities are a sign that you are on the right path. The bigger the synchronicty and the more of them the better a sign it is.

If that’s the case, I must be soing pretty well.

As I am writing this, a friend from another country just sent a message and said she knows these crazy street performers.

The connections never end!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Nice read!

It becomes harder and harder to believe in such a thing as coincidence. I’m not going to pretend I know what the universe is trying to tell me but I have an inkling that synchronicities are a sign that you are on the right path. The bigger the synchronicty and the more of them the better a sign it is.


I wrote about a somewhat similar thing, yesterday, in She then showed me her humongous cabbages although it wasn't as 'miraculous' as your day

My fav sentence:

A friend was sitting in the square with her little blind adopted cat ans saw me staring at the performance with a baffled face.

blind... saw me... staring... baffled face.

this could be included in a/your book.

Hahahahhaa what a title! I’ll head right over

Many times, I used to counter "the world is small" talk, but sometimes I just surrender to it after encountering the "world is small" thing 😂

Too many coincidences is clearly a sign. I would have been so freaked out. Or maybe not too much. Just astounded by it. Must have been such a day.

At the end of it all, let’s just say that it is a small world and coincidence is something that happens a lot