Presentation of my granddaughter's account ( @AbiHive )

in Threespeak2 months ago

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Hola a todos los que visitan a diario esta grandiosa ¨ThreespeakCommunity¨:  Este es un video corto para presentar el lanzamiento de la cuenta de #Hive y #Threespeak de Abigail. Quiero aclarar que la descripción que verán en la Url será @miprimerconcurso. @miprimerconcurso es una cuenta de mi propiedad @jlufer y recuperamos para crear la cuenta de mi nieta que tendrá el nombre @AbiHive. Como saben, no es muy sencillo crear una cuenta nueva, por eso tomamos la determinación de recuperar y continuar con esta cuenta

Source: Family Álbum

Hello to all those who visit this great daily ¨ThreespeakCommunity¨:  This is a short video to introduce the launch of Abigail's #Hive and #Threespeak account. I want to clarify that the description you will see in the URL will be @miprimerconcurso. @miprimerconcurso is an account owned by me @jlufer and we recovered it to create my granddaughter's account that will have the name @AbiHive. As you know, it is not very easy to create a new account, that is why we decided to recover and continue with this account

Muchos de ustedes ya conocen a mi nieta, hace algún tiempo éramos muy activos haciendo video juntos para #threespeak, y es momento que comience su camino en la hermosa ¨Blockchain¨ de #hive. Abigail es una niña muy talentosa, para sus 9 años que tiene se expresa muy bien, y no tengo la menor duda que tendrá muchos éxitos en nuestra ¨cadena¨ de ¨bloques¨, sobre todo si cuenta con todo el apoyo que me han brindado todos estos largos 8 años que voy a cumplir en agosto en Nuestra querida compañía ( #hive)

Source: Family Álbum

Many of you already know my granddaughter, some time ago we were very active making videos together for #threespeak, and it is time for her to begin her path in the beautiful #hive Blockchain. Abigail is a very talented girl, for her 9 years old she expresses herself very well, and I have no doubt that she will have many successes in our "chain" of "blocks", especially if she has all the support they have given me. all these long 8 years that I am going to celebrate in August in Our beloved company ( #hive)

Para aquellos que no la conocen les comento; Su nombre completo es Abigail Luana Lopez (@AbiHive) Nieta de José Luis Fernández (@jlufer) vivimos en ¨Corrientes¨:  ¨Argentina¨: Tiene nuestra misma pasión por la naturaleza, le encanta la música, baila danza clásicas, y hit hot, compañera de su abuela en la cocina, le encanta colaborar con la preparación de los platos, y como si fuera poco, es muy buena estudiante. Como pueden leer, tiene un gran potencial para crear contenidos para nuestra ¨Blockchain¨ #Hive

Source: Family Álbum

For those who do not know it, I tell you; Her full name is Abigail Luana Lopez (@AbiHive) Granddaughter of José Luis Fernández (@jlufer) we live in ¨Corrientes¨:  ¨Argentina¨: Has We have the same passion for nature, she loves music, she dances classical dances, and hit hot dances, her grandmother's partner in the kitchen, she loves to collaborate with the preparation of dishes, and as if that were not enough, she is a very good student. As you can read, she has great potential to create content for our “Blockchain” #Hive

Este video corto lo hicimos en un lugar que amamos visitar, y está muy cerca de casa, nuestra nieta disfruta mucho cuando visita la hermosa reserva natural, le encanta filmar y hacer tomas fotográficas de todas las cosas hermosas que pueda encontrar durante el ¨paseo¨ por el ¨botánico¨. El video y las fotografías las hicimos con nuestra cámara ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ salvo algunas que hicimos con el ¨teléfono¨¨móvil¨ de mi hija Brenda. Todas las compensaciones que reciba esta cuenta son para mi nieta, ella tiene toda la intención de potenciar sus ¨HP¨ y acumular tanto ¨HD¨ cómo pueda para la celebración de sus quince años

Source: Family Álbum

We made this short video in a place that we love to visit, and it is very close to home, our granddaughter really enjoys when she visits the beautiful nature reserve, she loves to film and take photographs of all the beautiful things that you can find during the “walk” through the “botanist”. We took the video and photographs with our ¨nikoncoolpixb500¨ camera except for some that we took with my daughter Brenda's ¨mobile phone¨. All compensation that this account receives is for my granddaughter, she has every intention of enhancing her “HP” and accumulating as much “HD” as she can for the celebration of her fifteenth birthday

Musica de Intro- Intro Music ¨Awaken¨: ¨Onoychenkomusic¨: ¨Música de fondo-Background music ¨Sound Ambience¨: ¨Lachm¨ ¨No Copyright Music¨: 


Source: Family Álbum

▶️ 3Speak


Que bonito verte de nuevo!!! Bienvenida Abi, habías tardado mucho en volver, un abrazo y que te diviertas mucho en este nuevo camino ❤️🙌🏻

Hola amiga, que bueno que te acordaras de mi, yo siempre me acuerdo de ti, cuando me pedias que haga algunas cosas en mis videos
hace tiempo que deseba regresar, y tener una cuenta a mi nombre
Ahora estoy feliz por eso
Muchas gracias por visitar, y votar mi post

Hello Abigail. Welcome, we wish you much, much success. I hope you really enjoy being on our blockchain, that you have fun; That's what it's all about, that you enjoy and have fun every day in #hive. We love you

Thank you very much grandfather for the support and welcome
have a beautiful afternoon

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Thank you dear friends

Awesome job @miprimerconcurso! Keep pushing yourself and you'll reach your Hive goals before you know it.

BTW, we noticed we miss your support for our proposal. Mays we ask you to check it out and consider supporting it?
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Thank you!

Que lindo conocerte @abihive, tu abuelo habla mucho mucho de vos! Te deseo el mayor de los éxitos!❤️

Mi abuelo siempre comparte fotografías mías en su post, y habla sobre mi. El nos comenta mucho de su trabajo cuando nos sentamos en la mesa a almorzar.
Muchas gracias por visitar y comentar mi publicacion
Que te diviertas mucho

Congratulations, your post has been upvoted by @dsc-r2cornell, which is the curating account for @R2cornell's Discord Community.

Curated by Blessed-girl


Enhorabuena, su "post" ha sido "up-voted" por @dsc-r2cornell, que es la "cuenta curating" de la Comunidad de la Discordia de @R2cornell.

Visit our Discord - Visita nuestro Discord

I thank you all for visiting and viewing my content.
Have a beautiful afternoon everyone

An excellent video to come back after so long, in family and subtitled in English so everyone can understand who you are and that you have new proposals for your Hive blog. Hugs to that family and I hope to see the best and most creative content around here 👏👏👏

Yes, it's been a while since the last video we made with my grandfather, but hey, the important thing is that I'm back, and now with my own channel, that's really great.
I thank you with all my heart for the great support you give me @jesuslnrs
Have a beautiful night

Welcome Abigail to the Hive community. Your grandfather will teach you how to participate and do very well here. I will do my best to support you in the future. ♥

Yes, my grandfather is aware of everything I do, and he is accompanying me a lot, for a long time I will do things next to him on his computer, until I am ready to do it alone from my mobile phone
Thank you very much @sunscaper for being present and the warm welcome