Double Strike Duel / Duelo Double Strike [eng/pt] (Splinterlands Battle Mage Secrets: Healed Out)

in THGaminglast month (edited)

Translated by chatGPT and adjusted by me. Original logo abaixo.

Hello, my fellow summoners, another week, another Battle Mage Secrets for us to pick the best matches with this week's rule, which, this time, is quite annoying in my opinion:

The Rule

RULESET: Healed Out
Description: All healing abilities are removed.
This applies to summoners as well.
Healing abilities include Heal, Tank Heal, and Triage.

Healing is an important ability in @splinterlands, and removing this ability from the field eliminates the possibility of using several units that, without their healing factor, lose a lot of strength. Not being able to heal the frontline also removes an important strategy in many matches.

I didn't have many matches with Healed Out during the week, and this one was my only victory so far, so it will be my first post this week.

The Match

Besides Healed Out, the match came with Holy Protection distributing Divine Shield to all units, and Rise of the Commons significantly restricting the pool of units to be used.

Helios Matriarch will be our summoner. Uludin Overseer will be our frontline, giving Reach for Coastal Sentry to attack with its Double Strike devastatingly. Venari Marksrat in the midline to buff Coastal Sentry and Riverboat Captain (believing in the existence of some opportunists on the opponent's side), and the ranged Sultry Barmaid and Swamp Spitter in the backline. Since we don't have healing, Repair can be very helpful, especially on a well-armored Uludin.

@stradaxlaliberta comes with Lobb Lowland, with Pelacor Mercenary on the frontline and Supply Runner next, followed by two sneakers: Goblin Thief and Katrelba Gobson. We'll have trouble in the backline...
The opponent's team is completed with Mantoid, and Mycelic Slipspawn attracting attacks with its Taunt.

Activated Abilities

The summoners nullify their abilities, level 5 Supply Runner buffs opponents' speed, Uludin enables Coastal Sentry, everyone gets Divine Shield, and we're ready for battle.

Round 2

Sultry Marmaid's Ambush seems to have glitched the round count; it was supposed to be round 2, but it appears as 3 at the start of the round, then immediately displays the correct number.

While we distribute attacks between Mycelic Slipspawn and Pelacor Mercenary, the opponent attacked Uludin Overseer and Swamp Spitter.

Round 3

Katrelba scored her first kill in round 2, taking down Swamp Spitter and will now knock down Sultry Barmaid in round 3. A Glad with double strike is a very strong combination, making katrelba the most used gladius unit in the Diamond League, despite the negative win rate:

Round 4

Goblin Thief will fall to Coastal Sentry, Katrelba will take down Uludin, and the two double strikers will meet face to face on the frontline in round 5.

Round 5

Katrelba's attacks will break Coastal Sentry's Divine Shield and Armor, while the latter will miss the first attack and take down the gladiator on the second.

Riverboat Captain finishes the match by taking down Mantoid:


I have 15k rented SPS, totaling 20K staked SPS, which has been giving me good rewards. I earned about 1 dollar in SPS last season, when I increased my rent from 10k to 15k in the second week. Curious to see how much I'll earn this time.

Watch the full match here:

And that was the first battle secret of the mage pablito: Double strike is a very strong ability. But what I really wanted to tell you is that Uludin Overseer is an excellent frontline, even without training!

Tomorrow, there's another match for you; give that upvote 100% to strengthen the movement, and come back later to enjoy the second Healed Out match of the week!



Duelo Double Strike

Salve, meus consagrades, mais uma semana, mais um Battle Mage Secrets pra gente escolher as melhores partidas com a regra da semana, que, desta vez é uma regra bem chatinha, na minha opinião:

a regra

RULESET: Healed Out
Description:All healing abilities are removed.
This applies to summoners as well.
Healing abilities include Heal, Tank Heal, and Triage.

Cura é uma habilidade importante em @splinterlands, e remover essa habilidade de campo elimina a possibilidade de utilização de várias unidades que, sem o seu fator de cura, perdem muita força. Não poder curar a frontline também é remover uma estratégia importante em muitas partidas.

Não tive muitas partidas com Healed Out durante a semana, e esta aqui foi minha única vitória até agora, então será minha primeira postagem esta semana

a partida

Além de Healed Out, a partida veio com Holy Protection distribuindo Divine Shield para todas as unidades, e Rise of the Commons restringindo significativamente a pool de unidades a serem utilizadas.

Helios Matriarch será nossa invocadora. Uludin Overseer será nossa frontline, dando Reach para Coastal Sentry atacar com seu Double Strike de forma avassaladora.
Venari Marksrat na midline pra buffar Costal Sentry e Riverboat Captain (acreditando na existência de algum oportunista do lado adversário), e os ranged Sultry Barmaid e Swamp Spitter na backline. Já que não temos cura, Repair pode ser de muita ajuda, sobretudo num Uludin bem municiado de armadura.

@stradaxlaliberta vem de Lobb Lowland, com Pelacor Mercenary na frontline e Supply Runner na sequência, seguidos por dois sneakers: Goblin Thief e Katrelba Gobson. Teremos encrenca na backline...
O time adversários se completa com Mantoid, e Mycelic Slipspawn atraindo ataques com seu Taunt.

habilidades ativadas

Os invocadores anulam suas habilidades, supply runner nível 5 buffa a velocidade dos adversários, Uludin habilita Costal Sentry, todo mundo de divine Shield, e estamos prontos pra batalha.

round 2

O Ambush de Sultry Marmaid parece que bugou a contagem do rounds, era pra ser o round 2, mas aparece como 3 no início do round, para imediatamente aparecer o número certo.

Enquanto distribuimos ataques entre Mycelic Slipspawn e Pelacor Mercenary, enquanto o adversário atacou Uludin Overseer e Swamp Spitter.

round 3

Katrelba fez seu primeiro abate no round 2, derrubando Swamp Spitter e vai derrubar Sultry Barmaid agora no round 3. Glad com double strike é uma combinação muito forte, e faz de katrelba a unidade gladius mais utilizada na Liga Diamante, apesar do winrate negativo:

round 4

Goblin Thief vai tombar pra Coastal Sentry, Katrelba derrubará Uludin, e as duas double strike se encontrarão cara a cara na frontline no round 5.

round 5

Os ataques de Katrelba vão derrubar o divine Shield e a Armadura de Coastal Sentry, enquanto esta vai errar o primeiro ataque e derrubar a gladiadora no segundo.

Riverboat Captain finaliza a partida abatendo Mantoid:


Estou com 15k SPS alugado, totalizando 20K SPS stakado, o que tem me dado boas recompensas. Faturei aproximadamente 1 dólar em SPS temporada passada, quando aumentei meu aluguel de 10k pra 15k na segunda semana. Curioso pra ver quanto vou faturar nesta agora.

assista a partida completa aqui:

E este foi o primeiro segredo do mago de batalha pablito: Double strike é uma habilidade muito forte. Mas o que eu queria mesmo dizer pra vocês é que Uludin Overseer é uma excelente frontline, mesmo sem treinamento!

Amanhã tem outra partida pra vocês, deixe aquele upvote 100% pra fortalecer o movimento, e volte mais tarde, pra apreciar a segunda partida Healed Out da semana!


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