TravelFeed App Now Available on iOS!

in TravelFeed6 months ago (edited)

Our TravelFeed app has just landed on iOS! 🍏

Download it on the Apple App Store and read your favourite travel blogs on your iPhone or iPad. Plus, blogging on-the-go just got easier!

We're thrilled about this release and would love your feedback and reviews! 🙌✨

Android users, don't feel left out – your app (get it on Google Play) just got a cool update too! 🆕📲

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Image generated with DALL·E 3

TravelFeed & truvvl: Double the Fun!

Did you know that we have two apps, both available for Android and iOS? 

TravelFeed is your go-to app for the full travel blogging experience that you are used to from It's perfect for sharing detailed adventures and managing your travel blog. Think of it as your digital travel diary and global community, all in one.

Switch it up with truvvl, our other awesome app! truvvl brings you snappy, swipeable travel stories – and hey, we were doing the photo swipe thing before TikTok made it cool! With all TravelFeed blogs available in this trendy format, you can explore nearby stories and share your own in a super fun way. It’s perfect for those quick travel fixes and sharing experiences in an engaging style!

View this post on TravelFeed for the best experience.