The Rare Club: Successfully defeat the Mother Plant

in Gaming Photographylast month

How are you? I hope you are doing well and are in good health. Continuing with the supernatural creatures, I had left in the previous post that I had to gather people to face the alien plant (if you do not remember or did not read that post, you can do it here), I was pending to make an antidote and test it with the possessed to see its effectiveness.

I tried it a couple of times without any success, obviously every time I tried it on someone I had to go back to the lab to prepare more antidote samples.

Until I finally found the right formula for the antidote and I was able to apply it to several possessed. As I said in previous posts, it is supposed to be ideal to go with several people to face the alien plant (which is actually called Mother Plant but I always call it alien hahaha) and I thought it would be perfect to go to face it together with some girls from the Rare Club, but I have to face it with people cured of the possession, which makes sense, right? they are the ones directly affected by the chaos caused by that plant.

I set to work to convince some cured people to go with me to fight this giant thing, obviously at first they refused because nobody is going to risk their life with someone they don't know (even if that "someone" just cured them) so I had to make friends with them to convince them to go with me to the lab....

Of course, while all this was going on, it gave Ali breaks that being in Strangeville all day really wore her out, so it was nice for her to take a dip in the pool with the other girls.

I was preparing for the day when I was going to fight the mother plant, I was gathering the ingredients to make a lot of antidote so I could throw it at the plant and it would die faster.

And finally the day came, I admit I was nervous because I had faced it before and it all ended with my sim being eaten by a giant alien plant, so this time I prepared the best I could.

I was already with my team facing that thing, and to my surprise, the infected arrived to defend the plant, I was a little surprised, but I sent one of my team to put some good blows so that it would not damage the operation.

I lasted a few minutes facing the plant, to my surprise it resisted more than I expected and there was also the possibility that some of my companions would end up infected, thinking about that I carried many antidotes but I really did not know how I could proceed if they were infected.

To my good fortune, that didn't happen and we ended up defeating the Mother Plant, it was really fun to do it and the game gives you the option to revive her to do it all over again with another family.

And so Strangeville returned to be a fairly normal place, and the Mother Plant was not going to bother for a long time, I hope you liked today's post, I really filled me with satisfaction to beat the mother plant. I'll say goodbye for now, thank you very much for reading and see you later in another post ❤️

Translated by DeepL


What a science fiction novel you've put together in that game. It looks very fun and the alien plant, despite being the villain of the story, added beauty to the images with its colors.

Right! It has very vivid and bright colors, thanks for stopping by...

Amazing moment you lived in the game, last time you didn't have much luck, but this time you made it, congratulations.

Thank you so much ❤️

@tipu curate 3

Consider using #oneup & #thgaming next time.

Thank you so much!